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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

CHEM8101 Industrial Placement for Integrated Masters Students

90 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr Robert Menzel

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Level 2 in Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry


CHEM3302Distance Learning for Year in Industry

This module is mutually exclusive with

CHEM8501Ind Experience Year

Module replaces

CHEM8100 Industrial Placement

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module, students will have gained an insight into the relevance and application of chemistry in industry. They will have developed a wide range of new skills, and experienced the application of chemical knowledge in a work-based environment appropriate to the programme of study.

They will also have developed and practised personal transferable skills such as identifying objectives, negotiating the strategy and tactics to be used in achieving such objectives, written and oral communication, and working within a team in an industrial laboratory environment.

Learning outcomes
Precise knowledge outcomes will be dependent on the type of research project undertaken by the student at the company. Most commonly this will involve either organic synthesis, analytical science, or computational chemistry, although placements in other types of chemistry are also available.

A synthesis placement will train the students in particular aspects of advanced organic chemistry, and the practical methods for preparing and analysing organic molecules. An analytical chemistry placement will afford advanced knowledge of one or more spectroscopic or analytical methods, for the analysis of laboratory or environmental samples, plus a more general training in the practise of chemical analysis. A computational chemistry placement will provide insights into chemistry-related data analysis or modelling methodologies.

To ensure appropriate knowledge outcomes, students on the Medicinal Chemistry (Industry programme will have a restricted choice of placement project related to those degree specialisms.


The programme of work carried out during the placement will be agreed by arrangement with the student, academic supervisor and industrial supervisor within the overall objectives described above.

Teaching methods

Private study hours900.00
Total Contact hours0.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)900.00

Private study

Independent learning. Collection of relevant information on the academic, social and professional aspects of the experience in industry.

Other laboratory-based work. Research project undertaken during the placement.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Regular progress meetings within the company to be arranged between the student and the industrial supervisor.

Students have an assigned mentor from the School. Three half-day meetings will take place between the student, mentor and industrial supervisor during the course of the placement, to check progress and (where appropriate) to undertake assessment. Day-to-day progress cannot otherwise be monitored from Leeds during the placement, but the mentor and module leader will be available to give advice by e-mail and/or online meeting when required.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ReportA written report on their placement work50.00
ReportA non-confidential report to be returned to the university for second marking and viewable by external examiners10.00
Placement AssessmentSkills assessment by industrial supervisor20.00
PresentationVerbal Presentation20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Project report (50%) to be submitted for assessment at the end of the placement. The report may be marked on-site, rather than in Leeds, if required for confidentiality reasons. A non-confidential report (10%) must be submitted to the School which is second marked and can be viewed by the external examiners. An assessment proforma will also be completed by the company supervisor at the same time (20%). The presentation (20%) will be given on site or via online meeting. Written coursework to be undertaken during the placement is treated under a separate module, CHEM3302.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 15/05/2023


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