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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE3860 Integrated Design Project 3

30 creditsClass Size: 170

Module manager: Dr Fleur Loveridge

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25


CIVE1660Integrated Design Project I (inc Design Studio 1)
CIVE2660Integrated Design Project 2

Module replaces


This module is not approved as a discovery module


This module has the following objectives:

- Provide students with experience of the design process and diverse outcomes.

- Equip students to be able to undertake a feasibility study of a civil engineering project considering various aspects, including technical (design and construction, buildability); environmental impact; sustainability; financial, ethical. This will resulting in a recommended general scheme, followed by an element of detailed design, demonstrating that the proposal is practicable.

- Students to be able to give experience of defining the requirements of the project given in an outline brief and consider, evaluate and compare the various factors affecting the selection of a scheme.

- Develop practical transferable skills required of a construction industry design professional including communication skills (e.g. develop students ability to communicate by drawings, calculations and orally).

- Develop CAD and BIM expertise and experience through use within design project (e.g. for route alignment).

- To continue to develop students' awareness of their personal and professional development.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject (contributing to the AHEP4 learning outcomes indicated between brackets):

1). Apply engineering principles to produce outline and detailed design solutions for complex problems addressing different stakeholder needs and promoting inclusion. (M1, M5, M11) [Assessed in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3];

2). Evaluate the cost and benefits of complex infrastructure solutions, considering environmental and social impacts, project costs, engineering materials, technologies, and construction practices, while assessing the full project lifecycle to ensure buildability and sustainability of the solution. (M7, M13 most, M15 part) [Assessed in Part 1];

3). Integrate different data sources to formulate, analyse and iterate a range of interconnected engineering problems to provide conclusions and recommendation of a preferred infrastructure solution. (M2) [Assessed in Part1, Part 2];

4). Critically sift and select available data, solutions, and design approaches using different computational and analytical techniques. (M3, M4) [Assessed in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3];

5). Develop design solutions that are safe to build, use, maintain and decommission. (M5) [Assessed in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3];

6). Identify and understand ethical issues that may arise in construction and make appropriate professional decisions on that basis (M8) [Assessed in Part 4];

7). Use risk management techniques to evaluate safety, environmental, and security risks to projects, and actions required to minimise risk (M9, M10) [Assessed in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3];

8. Use a range of methods to effectively communicate to diverse audiences about engineering solutions to complex problems, while justifying decisions and articulating their limitations (M17) [Assessed in Parts 1-4];

9). Work effectively both as an individual and within a team, using self-reflection to evaluate performance and recommend development actions for continuous improvement. (M16, M18) [Part 4].

Skills outcomes
Development of problem definition and decision-making skills based on a number of factors.

Development of written, mathematical and verbal communication skills.


The module is a feasibility study of a civil engineering project. A brief will describe the broad objectives and a short course of lectures and a site visit(s) will be arranged as necessary.

The module consists of four parts:

1). In the first part, to be completed by the end of week 5 or 6, students will produce an outline of a recommended solution selected after considering the broad aspects of the problem including environmental, technical, financial etc. Students will be required to consider the detailed definition of the project, define, compare and contrast the factors affecting the solution and present a well argued case for that solution, which should be described in sufficient detail so that it can be seen to be practicable. An important part of this stage of the project is to compare and evaluate very different factors;

2). In the second part, groups of students will assess their reports and select the solution they consider to be the most suitable. For a selected element of the project students will then carry out a more detailed individual analysis and design of their selected element, including drawings, risk assessment and considerations of 'buildability' and sustainability, for inclusion in a group design report;

3). In the third part (which will accrue 10 of the 30 module credits), students will be set an assessed piece of coursework specific to the programme they are enrolled on (i.e. Civil & Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering with Project Management or Civil & Environmental Engineering). This coursework, which will be agreed with the programme leaders prior to the commencement of each session, will be related to the feasibility study and/or detailed design outlined in in 1) and 2) above.

4). Part 4: Professional Skills:

- Production of a video presentation depicting resolutions to the ethical issues;
- Individual oral presentation of feasibility study report findings;
- Reporting on achievements made within current year, aims for next year and how these next year aims are going to be achieved, via production of an individual reflective review.

The module will include a number of lectures on ethical issues related to the themes of this module and overall programme of study.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours239.00
Total Contact hours61.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

The students will be required to obtain information on the project from a number of internet and library based sources, covering a wide range of subjects, and to assimilate this information in order to use it to propose a solution to the project set, in the context of their previous experience. This will include both general and detailed analysis of topics.

The private study time includes the project report preparation and production.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

For part 1 progress is monitored at weekly tutorial sessions. Coursework submission is monitored and formative feedback given.

In the second part there are group two consultations at an early and later stage of the design process. Coursework submission is monitored and formative feedback given

In Part 4, immediate formative feedback is given on the presentations, followed by subsequent formal written feedback.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PresentationPart 4 Video Presentation5.00
ReportPart 4 Reflective Review3.00
PresentationPart 4 Feasibility Presentation5.00
ReportPart 1 Feasibility Report27.00
ReportPart 2 Detailed Design Exercise27.00
ReportPart 3 Programme Specific33.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Resit 34% Part 3 Programme Specific; 33% Part 2 Detailed Design Exercise; 33% Feasibility Report.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 11/06/2024


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