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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

CSER3060 Transformational Learning: Building Upon A Year in Industry

10 creditsClass Size: 90

Module manager: Sarah Wenham

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

This module is only open, as an elective, to students who have done a work placement year as an accredited part of their degree.

This module is mutually exclusive with

CSER3102Developing a Graduate Identity:Reflective Practice for Infor

Module replaces

CSER 3030

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

If you have taken an industrial year work placement, this module will facilitate you to reflect upon and consolidate your work-based learning within a professional environment. This will include understanding your transformational journey, including that of transitioning in and out of Higher Education, and ensuring that your learning is used as a springboard for a successful future career.


By the end of this module returning placement students will have been given the opportunity, through structured workshops and individual reflective learning to:
1) develop and apply a range of core professional skills gained from their transformational journey which occurred as a result of their student transitions (including their placement year)
2) explore and apply the concepts of culture, identity and personal brand to their experience in relation to leadership development
3) plan and make proactive decisions with regards to their future professional development aspirations and needs

Learning outcomes
This module will enable students to:
1. Analyse and articulate their placement experience through reflecting upon the development and relationship between skills and behaviours within a transitional academic and work environment
2. Critically analyse the key graduate competencies that employers require and develop personal strategies for achieving personal gain within those areas
3. Critique the importance of developing an awareness of cultural difference and apply this in relation to their placement organisation compared to their academic environment
4. Reflect upon and synthesise the importance of a multi-faceted identity as a student, an ambassador for the University, an employee and future leader
5. Explore and identify a personal brand in relation to pursuing a successful and professional identity for future career progression
6. Communicate effectively to a target audience through the development of an online resource

Skills outcomes
This module will give students the opportunity to develop the ability to:
1) Reflect upon their level of transformational learning and to articulate that learning for the benefit of others
2) Research the concepts of culture, identity, and leadership behaviours in relation to their placement context
3) Communicate their experiences in a written, marketable format plus through formal presentations
4) Engage with and critique, the latest research and concepts of employability and employer requirements


The module will reflect three key theme areas:
1) Understanding different scholarly and professional cultures, articulating the impact they have on personal development and transformational learning
2) Exploring the concepts of identity, brand and the application of these to personal and professional transitional contexts including that of leadership
3) Development of communication skills and marketing of ideas
This syllabus is supported by 2 assessed pieces of work directly related to the themes above. The module will also integrate input by external speakers.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Group learning12.002.00
Independent online learning hours2.00
Private study hours76.00
Total Contact hours22.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formative feedback will be available through:
1) Group discussions and peer review in sessions (supported by staff)
2) Minerva Discussion Board Chatroom for assessment queries

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ReportProject Report75.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 07/06/2024


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