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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

DSUR2200 Clinical Skills A

60 creditsClass Size: 100

Module manager: Shahad Al-Ramadhani/Anna Hird

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25


DSUR1127Health and Health Promotion
DSUR1128Intro to the Oral Environment
DSUR1130Anxiety and Pain Management
DSUR1230Oral Diseases, Defence and Repair
DSUR1250Personal and Professional Development 1


DSUR2122Social Sciences Related to Dentistry
DSUR2200Clinical Skills A
DSUR2220Introduction to Biomedical Sciences

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

During this module you will:learn the diagnosis and management of common dental diseases.relate pathological processes & host responses to radiographic and clinical findings. This leads on to diagnosis and planning of appropriate preventive and operative treatment, and an appreciation of occlusion. learn about basic dental materials science and its application to clinical practice.learn basic operative skills including instrument control, cavity design and manipulation of dental introduced to the management of pulpal & apical disease and the techniques for simple root-canal exposed to an emphasis on awareness of hazards and the adoption of safe working practices.further develop your Information literacy & an introduction to the scientific method will be incorporated into the production of a simple project based on an experiment and related literature review.Unless your programme is designed to be delivered fully online, your programme and modules will be delivered predominantly on campus. These teaching activities will be supported by the use of digital tools to enhance your learning and experience. The catalogue provides details of your module and the teaching methods used to deliver your module (for example, lecture, seminar, tutorial, practical). It does not necessarily provide you with information about the mode of delivery for specific learning activities on your module (whether these will be on campus or delivered digitally). Information about the delivery mode for learning and teaching activities for your modules will be published in the timetable and in the Minerva area for your modules. You can access your personalised timetable through Minerva or our UniLeeds app on your mobile device. We sometimes need to adapt our teaching to take account of developments in the subject, in response to new research and current affairs for example, and on occasion we may need to adapt our delivery modes too. You will be kept informed of any proposed changes to the content and delivery of your modules as described in the module catalogue and we’ll make sure you understand and agree the reasons for any changes before they are introduced.


The module will:
further develop the science that underlies clinical dentistry: the development of common dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, apical periodontitis, tooth wear); the nature of host defences; the mechanisms for repair, and the physical & chemical properties of materials used in operative dentistry.
build upon the basic clinical skills learned in year 1, allowing you to use hand instruments and rotary instruments on dental hard tissues, and to manipulate materials, in preparation for the treatment of real patients.
introduce you to the principles and practice of preventing, diagnosing and managing dental caries, tooth wear and diseases of the pulp and periodontal tissues.
allow you to further develop skills in information literacy, critical appraisal of scientific literature, and writing for publication

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
• Relate dental health and diseases and concomitant histological, chemical and biochemical processes to clinical findings and the results of special investigations
• Apply an understanding of basic sciences to the diagnosis and management of dental diseases and the use of dental materials
• Demonstrate safe progression of core skills in simple clinical procedures, the control of rotary & hand instruments, and the manipulation of dental materials
• Demonstrate skills in reading critically and in scientific writing

Skills outcomes
Safe handling of instruments and materials used in operative dentistry


The module comprises:
- The lecture programme
- The directed reading, e-learning & e-practical programme
- The clinical skills laboratory programme and accompanying tutorials
The main syllabus areas are:
- Properties and chemistry of enamel and dentine
- Histology of enamel, dentine and pulp
- Dental caries
- Tooth wear
- Dental trauma
- Periodontology
- Occlusion
- Dental radiology
- Dental materials
- Treatment planning
- Basic operative techniques
- Information literacy
- Simple endodontic procedures

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning111.0011.00
Computer Simulated Practical Techniques91.009.00
Clinical Practice43.5014.00
Clinical Practice227.00154.00
Private study hours349.00
Total Contact hours251.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)600.00

Private study

16 hours of e-learning are timetabled these require the student to undertake further reading and study.
The student is expected to dedicate approximately 2 hours of private study for each hour of didactic activity including tutorial and practical work.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

During 17 timetabled clinical skills days the students are directly observed and formatively assessed while they practice, and are subsequently assessed on, each of the 9 practical progressional assessments. CAFS is used for feedback (and recording and reviewing progressional assessments) . The students write an extended article of about 1500 words. The article is subject to written peer review and editorial review before being electronically published.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Group ProjectJournal article (1500 words max)0.00
PracticalClinical skills exercises0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)0.00

The clinical skills exercises are pass/fail assessments, completion of which is a non-compensable requirement for progression

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc)1 hr 30 mins50.00
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc) 1 hr 00 mins50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)100.00

The written examinations are compensatable.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 26/07/2024 11:13:39


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