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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

ENGL3022 English Language Dissertation

40 creditsClass Size: 24

School of English

Module manager: Professor Tony Crowley

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students wishing to take this module must have passed an introduction to language study in the School of English or another department (examples include ‘Key Concepts in English Language’, a Level 1 module in Linguistics and Phonetics such as ‘Language: Structure and Sound’, or similar modules in other departments). Students must also have passed two Level 2 modules in language study (in the School of English and in other departments such as Linguistics and Phonetics) and will ideally have shown a commitment to the study of the English language that prepares them for the proposed dissertation. If any student is uncertain about whether they meet the prerequisite requirements, they should consult the Module Leader.

Module replaces


This module is not approved as a discovery module


The dissertation provides students with the opportunity to plan, design and execute an independent piece of research related to the study of the English language, self-directed and with appropriate time-management.

Learning outcomes
Students should have developed abilities to:
- develop a topic;
- make and test hypotheses;
- choose a relevant methodology;
- construct a coherent argument;
- abstract and synthesise information;
- critically evaluate evidence and / or data;
- write in an appropriate style.

Skills outcomes
The ability to analyse the English language using appropriate/relevant critical, theoretical, historical and methodological approaches


The dissertation allows students to develop and follow their individual intellectual interests, to gain experience of research in English language and to work in a small research-focused group, directed by a member of staff. The module is delivered through a combination of lectures, small-group student- and tutor-led group meetings and individual supervisions with staff. Students are allocated in groups to the English Language tutors based on the broad topic choices and research areas that students choose to work in; tutors will provide regular support and guidance as supervisors (note that a student may have a different supervisor in each semester). There will be 4 lectures, 2 tutor-led group meetings and 4 individual supervisions with the supervisor. The student groups will meet together in student-led meetings (at least 1 per semester) in which they discuss issues arising from their work; minutes from these meetings will be returned to the group tutors. Other tutors may offer specialist guidance, if the supervisor thinks this is required.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Poster session12.002.00
Private study hours388.80
Total Contact hours11.20
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)400.00

Private study

Students will be expected to undertake significant research independently, including such things as, for example:
- collecting data,
- managing data,
- transcribing data,
- doing fieldwork (semester 1);
- engaging in self-directed reading and writing and data analysis (semester 2);
- engaging in self-directed reading and using the library and online resources (throughout).

These activities will account for the vast majority of hours of study for this module.

In addition, there will be 4 lectures; 2 supervisor-led seminars; 2 student-led seminars; 4 individual consultations with supervisor; poster conference.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay or Dissertation8,000 words (including quotations from secondary sources but excluding quotations from primary data, the bibliography and any necessary appendices)80.00
Poster PresentationPoster to be produced using PowerPoint and to be displayed in the School of English.20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Tutors will supply feedback on two pieces of written work as the module progresses in level 3, and on a draft of the poster; feedback is not given on written work at any other point. The first piece (1500 words) is due at the end of semester 1, and the second (1500 words) on a specific date before the Easter vacation in semester 2.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 11/07/2024


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