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2013/14 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

GEOG1075 Data Analysis Skills for Physical Geography

10 creditsClass Size: 120

Module manager: Dr Clare Woulds

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2013/14

Module replaces

Part of GEOG1230

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

The aim of this module is to develop essential skills in presenting and analysing geographical data. This includes discussing the nature of geographical data, producing appropriate graphs, data analysis (statistical and spatial analysis) and writing up a report.


The aim of GEOG1075 is to introduce students to essential data analysis skills in physical geography. This includes discussing the nature of geographical data, data analysis (including statistical and spatial analysis), drawing graphs and writing a project report.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this course students should be able:
1. To demonstrate an ability to analyse and present geographical data.
2. To understand the range of sources of, and techniques available for analysing, geographical data, including the link between the question being asked and the most appropriate method required to answer it.
3. To use Information Technology, including statistical software and GIS, to explore geographical questions.
4. To write a scientific report.

Skills outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
A9 The theory and application of quantitative, visualisation and other spatial techniques across a wide range of geographical contexts

B Cognitive skills
B1 Abstraction and synthesis of information from a variety of sources
B2 Assessment and critical evaluation of the merits of contrasting theories, explanations, policies
B3 Critical analysis and interpretation of data and text
B4 Developing reasoned arguments
B5 Solving problems and making reasoned decisions

C Practical/professional skills
C3 Employ a variety of technical methods for the analysis and presentation of spatial and environmental information (e.g. GIS)
C4 Collect, interpret and synthesise different types of quantitative and qualitative geographical data

D Key skills
D3 Apply numerical and computational skills to geographical information
D4 Use information technology effectively (including use of spreadsheet, database and word processing programmes; Internet and e-mail)
D6 Work as part of a team and to recognise and respect the viewpoints of others
D7 Manage time and organise work effectively.


The syllabus for this module will comprise three blocks of teaching. Each block will be delivered through a weekly lecture, plus a weekly 2-hour computer-based practical session. The blocks will be as follows, and the order in which they are delivered may vary from year to year:

GIS Block. This will include topics such as introductions to GIS and mapping, spatial searches and queries, overlay analysis, and terrain analysis.

Statistics Block. This will cover the basic skills involved in presentation and statistical analysis of data, including choosing and plotting the correct graphs, tests for difference between two or more samples, and tests for associations and relationships between variables.

Mathematics Block. This will be shorter than the other two blocks, and will aim to support students to bring their maths skills up to the standard required for the BSc degrees offered from the School of Geography. Topic covered will include unit and dimension conversions, rearranging equations, and trigonometry.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours30.00
Private study hours40.00
Total Contact hours30.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

Students will be given directed independent study that is supported by online tasks/assessment where formative feedback will be given.

Private study will mainly be in preparation for weekly assessments and final report.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Via weekly online assessment that is associated with each computer practical.

Feedback to worksheets completed during/or after each computer practical will be provided wither online or within the lecture the following week.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ProjectProject report - 1400 words70.00
PracticalWorksheet - 300 words15.00
PracticalWorksheet - max 300 words15.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The report is pass to progress (students MUST achieve at least 40% in order to pass the module). Non-assessed worksheets will be set at the end of most practical sessions. These must be collated and submitted as a pass-to-progress portfolio before the end of the January exam period.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 15/01/2015


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