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2016/17 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

GEOG3820 Research Placement

20 creditsClass Size: 45

Module manager: Dr Alex Schafran

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2016/17

Pre-requisite qualifications

Level 2 average mark of at least 60% in Geography

This module is mutually exclusive with

GEOG3520Workplace Co-operative Project
GEOG3530Geographers into Teaching: School Placements

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module, a student should have:
1. gained an understanding of the intellectual and methodological basis of a particular research question, as practised by researchers within higher education;
2. demonstrated a general understanding of the issues and questions that shape the intellectual agenda of one of the School's research clusters: Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy; Citizenship and Belonging; Ecology and Global Change; River Basin Processes and Management; Urban Culture and Consumption;
3. undertaken a substantive piece of research, guided by a suitable supervisor;
4. developed a clear enthusiasm for pursuing a career in research through study for a higher degree; and
5. gained and experienced skills associated with the conduct of a research project and the presentation of research results to an appropriate audience.

Skills outcomes
A Knowledge and Understanding
A1 The dynamic nature of geographical thought and practice and the inter-relationships between the discipline and the physical and natural sciences, the social sciences and humanities

Plus relevant items from list A2-A10, according to research placement topic

B Cognitive skills
B2 Assessment and critical evaluation of the merits of contrasting theories, explanations, policies
B3 Critical analysis and interpretation of data and text
B4 Developing reasoned arguments
B5 Solving problems and making reasoned decisions

C Practical/professional skills
C1 Plan, design, execute and report geographical research both individually and as part of a team
C4 Collect, interpret and synthesise different types of quantitative and qualitative geographical data
C5 Recognise the ethical issues involved in geographical debates and enquiries

Plus where relevant to specific research placement topics
C2 Undertake effective laboratory and field work (with due regard for safety and risk assessment)
C3 Employ a variety of technical and laboratory-based methods for the analysis and presentation of spatial and environmental information (e.g. GIS, water chemistry, etc)

D Key skills
D1 Learn in familiar and unfamiliar situations
D2 Communicate effectively (in writing, verbally and through graphical presentations)
D4 Use information technology effectively (including use of spreadsheet, database and word processing programmes; Internet and e-mail)
D5 Identify, retrieve, sort and exchange geographical information using a wide range of sources
D7 Manage time and organise work effectively
Plus where relevant to specific research placement topics
D3 Apply numerical and computational skills to geographical information


Semesters 1 & 2:
(a) Attendance at research presentations and discussions organised by the student's nominated research group (i.e. one of: Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy; Citizenship and Belonging; Ecology and Global Change; River Basin Processes and Management; Urban Culture and Consumption); or other research presentation across the University and the city of Leeds as appropriate
(b) Attendance at relevant all-School research seminars where appropriate

Semester 1:
(c) Initial engagement with Supervisor on a research project, and commencement of associated research work. Initial presentation of research agenda to student peer group and module managers. Production of initial research report.

Semester 2:
(d) Completion of research project or students component of larger project; production of final researchreport and presentation to relevant research/peer group.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Supervision Meetings61.006.00
Private study hours178.00
Total Contact hours22.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

- Teaching methods are flexible and will be tailored to meet the needs of individual students undertaking specific research placement
Projects, and the needs of individual faculty research projects.
- There will be a common element of individual training and supervision, combined with independent study.
- Students will devote time to a bespoke set of tasks common to research projects, depending on the type, stage and purpose of the supervisor’s project. This may include bibliographical research, data collection and analysis, writing upresearch results.The specific nature of these activities and the balance between them will vary in individual cases.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students meet regularly with individual academic mentors and engage with other academic staff through participation in research cluster meetings.

The module managers also convene group meetings at the beginning and end of term 1 to ensure that students are receiving appropriate supervisory support and are suitably advanced in the development of their research.

Students receive written feedback on the research proposal submitted at the start of Semester 2.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ProjectReport - 3,500 words70.00
Oral Presentation15 minutes10.00
ReportProgress report - 1,500 words10.00
Written WorkReflective Report on research seminars10.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 21/03/2016


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