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2014/15 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LEED2006 Developing Coaching and Employment Opportunities in Sport

10 creditsClass Size: 24

Module manager: Gawaine Hogg

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2014/15

Pre-requisite qualifications

In some cases the student's sport of choice may require them to have a UKCC level 1 NGB coaching qualification to deliver/assist a coaching session within their sport

Module replaces

LEED 2003

This module is approved as a discovery module

This module is approved as a skills discovery module

Module summary

This 10 credit module provides you with the opportunity to perform an applied coaching placement within a recognised sports club allowing you to develop, identify and reflect upon the skills required. This module is designed to enable students to develop their knowledge and understanding of the coaching process from an applied perspective and attain an understanding of the employability skills that you gain from this type of placement experience. You will also gain an understanding of some of the ethical issues surrounding participation.The focus enables the student to acquire appropriate levels of knowledge that can be applied to a coaching environment and will underpin the assessment of vocational competence as ‘added value’ to their degree programmeDesignated a Special Skills module and so available to students across all degree programmes, this module is normally taken by level 2 and 3 students.If you are a returning student you should enrol for this module online; following enrolment you will receive an email from Sport & Physical Activity requesting further information about your chosen activity. You will also need to complete a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check, ideally before you leave University for the summer vacation or your placement could be delayed.


On completion of this module, students should be able to ...

1. Be able to critically reflect and evaluate on their experience of observing and participating in a coaching placement.
2. Practically coach and engage in the ‘coaching process’ for selected sports and analyse the skills and strategies from both a theoretical and applied perspective.
3. Have gained a first aid qualification at an appropriate level and attended a Safeguarding and Protecting Children course as a prerequisite to the placement experience.
4. Have developed and be able to evidence a number of transferable skills, including time management, presentation, oral and written communication, observational, analytical and reflective skills.
5. Be able to demonstrate self awareness and understand the way in which their role in the placement has impacted on and is impacted upon by others with whom they are working.
6. Have an understanding of ethical issues within the sports coaching, physical activities, leadership and volunteering.

Learning outcomes
Knowledge of:
- How to undertake a reflective log.
- How to deliver an activity in coaching context.
- How to deliver appropriate first aid.
- Child abuse and the handling of potential related situations.
- Ethical issues surrounding coaching of physical activities, leadership and volunteering.

Skills outcomes
By taking this module students will develop skills in: -
Managing Knowledge - sourcing / selecting / interpreting data.
Managing Self - planning; time management.
Communication – through working in small groups throughout the practical sessions.
Observation Skills – through observing professional coaches and their peers coaching, noting these observations on the coach evaluation forms.
Analysis skills - through observing professional coaches and their peers coaching, noting these observations and analysing these through the use of the coach evaluation forms.
Reflective Practice – through completing the coaching logs and coach evaluation sheets.


- Complete a placement whereby students observe/coach/officiate the sport/activity of choice.
- Be checked against the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).
- Complete an Activity Record, documenting progress through the module, together with plans and evaluations of sessions delivered.
- Complete a First Aid Course at the appropriate level - up to and including the H.S.E. First Aid at Work qualification.
- Be introduced to some of the principles behind the coaching process (planning, delivering and evaluating) and observation.
- Attend a Safeguarding and Protecting Children course.
- Be introduced to ethical issues surrounding coaching of sports and physical activities.
- Be introduced to employability skills and be required to identify and develop these.
- Complete a detailed log reflecting on self and others.
- Attend individual tutorials to monitor and discuss progress

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Induction Session11.001.00
First Aid Training24.008.00
Class tests, exams and assessment24.008.00
Private study hours40.00
Total Contact hours60.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

Preparation for assessments: 5 hours
Preparation for tutorials/activity record completion: 10 hours
Preparation &evaluation of sessions observed/delivered: 15 hours
Reflection including completing a weekly log &developing a coaching evaluation analysis form: 10hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Monitoring of the Activity Record through tutorials - these will form the basis of individual action planning and evaluation as well as progress in the placement.
Registers of attendance at tutorials, lectures, seminars and practical classes kept. Absences followed up by the module manager.
Liaison with the placement host to enable any problems to be addressed.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay1,500 words50.00
Reflective log1,500 words, In an instance where the placement has not been attended resubmission of the reflective log would depend on the repeat placement50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The coursework requirements which are not assesed directly but which must be completed are:- NGB award or equivalent if relevant, CRB check, First Aid course , regular attendance at the placement. Completion of the activity record, Developing a coaching /evaluation analysis form.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 21/08/2015


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