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2014/15 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LEED2032 Outdoor Adventure - Field Course

10 creditsClass Size: 20

Module manager: Will Patterson

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2014/15

Pre-requisite qualifications


Module replaces

SPSC 2220 Field Course

This module is approved as a discovery module

This module is approved as a skills discovery module

Module summary

The module offers a unique chance to learn about the thinking, feasibility, design, implementation and analysis of the problems with runing an experiment in non laboratory conditions.


On completion of this module, students should:
- have developed transferbale skills, specifically: data handling, scientific report writing and teamwork;
- be able to desing, implement and write up a practical experiment;
- be able to analyse and comment on the organisation ans running of other experiments;
- be able to reflect on their participation in a variety of outdoor adventurous activities and apply the learning to other areas of their academic studies and lives;
- have been involved and had the experience of working in an unfamiliar and challenging environment;
- in relation to safe participation in at least one of the activities undertaken, understand the personal skills required physically and psychologically, the limitation of some of the materials and clothing used and the environmental factors to consider;
- have completed the paperwork and have passed the proposed experiment through the appropriate University ethics committee.

Learning outcomes
The difficulties and considerations needed to design, implement and run a scientific experiment in non laboratory conditions. The need for detailed planning, organisation and design and to always have a plan B, C and D.
Understanding the ethics required to use humans to assist and/or work in/on an experiment.

Skills outcomes
- analytical skills
- communication skills
- planning & organisation
- team working
- time management
- initiative
- research skills


The residential will take place at the University Outdoor Centre at Selside in the Yorkshire Dales, normally during week 1 of the Easter vacation. A range of activities will take place and the monitoring and recording of physical and psychological data will be undertaken. Equipment such as polar testers and video will be provided to record ans analyse the various techniques required to overcome difficult tasks in the field. Students will conduct an experiment in one area and be subjects, where required, for others.
This could include:
- the design and limitation of some of the equipment/materials used;
- the design and limitations of some of the clothing used;
- the environmental factors to consider;
- an aspect of the biomechanical, physiological or psychological aspect of partaking in the activity.
Any other experiment relating to their individual interests or other academic subject area as agreed with teaching staff. Students can choose to work independently or in pairs.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours44.00
Total Contact hours56.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

initial planning and research - 4 hours
reading and research for seminars/planning sessions - 18 hours
ethics documentation - 2 hours
analysis, write up & reflection of experiment - 20 hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Attendance at lectures and seminars including action to investigate student adsence. Attendance at the residential week is compulsory to pass the module.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PracticalAnalysis of data and write-up 2,500 words60.00
Reflective log1,500 words40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Planning file (reflective log) everyweek and final 2/14

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 11/05/2015


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