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2019/20 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MUSS3440 Editing and Source Studies

40 creditsClass Size: 20

Module manager: Dr Bryan White

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2019/20


MUSS2420Notation and Editing

Module replaces

MUSI3520 Minor Editing and Source StudiesMUSI3540 Major Editing and Source Studies

This module is not approved as a discovery module


This module introduces students to finding and using musical and textual sources (manuscripts, printed books, letters and other documents) in the study of music.

The handling, transcribing and understanding of source material is used to inform and develop more advanced studies in music editing. Students will be exposed to a range of musicological methodologies, and will take an interdisciplinary approach to interpreting source material, calling upon, for example, historical, literary, sociological and cultural studies in interpreting sources.

Learning outcomes
On completion students will demonstrate a range of editorial practices for dealing with music and text, and will demonstrate ability to find and assess a range of primary and secondary sources. They should be able to demonstrate this knowledge through practical exercises and essays (e.g. editing assignments, biographical writing, source description and interpretation), presenting their work in an appropriately clear and organised fashion.


The practice of editing (both text and music), taking appropriate examples from a range of historical periods:
- description of manuscripts, including introductions to paper studies, book production and the study of bindings;
- the techniques needed for the evaluation of the repertoires of particular manuscripts, including the making of inventories and the tracing of concordances;
- analysis of musical handwriting, and the techniques needed for the identification of the copyists of particular manuscripts;
- the techniques needed for the investigation of the historical context of manuscripts, including research into the biographies of particular copyists;
- the more advanced study of printed music, including an introduction to the analysis of musical typography and engraving, the dating of undated prints, the bibliographical problems surrounding variant editions, and the study of music publishers and their output;
- the more advanced techniques needed to edit music from several sources, and from corrupt or difficult sources;
- the introduction of a range of approaches to source studies (eg literary, cultural, sociological and ethnomusicological methods).

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours378.50
Total Contact hours21.50
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)400.00

Private study

8 hours preparation per seminar (80 hours)
5 hours preparation per tutorial (15 hours)
Research and preparation of editorial tasks (35 hours each)
Research and preparation of final project (114.5 hours)

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Individual tasks set weekly or biweekly often supported by the VLE and online resources. These assignments will be discussed in seminars to provide formative feedback; students submit tasks that test this knowledge in the portfolio, which will be returned with feedback and marks before the submission of the final project. Tutorials for students to receive personalized feedback and to explore issues addressed in seminars and coursework.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentEditorial task 1 - equivalent c. 1500 words13.00
ProjectEditing Project (equivalent to 6,000-7000 words).60.00
AssignmentEditorial task 2 - equivalent c. 1500 words13.00
AssignmentEditorial task 3 - equivalent c. 1500 words14.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 02/05/2018


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