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2019/20 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MUSS8000 Music Work Placement Year

120 creditsClass Size: 20

Module manager: Stan Erraught

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2019/20

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students must secure a placement, or placements (maximum 3) amounting to 9 months duration (for placements involving children and vulnerable adults a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure from the CRB will be required).

This module is mutually exclusive with

CSER8000Work Placement Year

This module is not approved as a discovery module


To complete an undergraduate-level work placement normally in the Music Industry, building experience of, and confidence in, essential workplace skills. Where a student can demonstrate how a placement outside the music industry will benefit carefully considered career aspirations, an exception may be made, but this must be approved by the Year in Industry coordinator before any arrangements are made. Students will need to demonstrate how such a placement will complement their musical studies.

The structure and content of the placement may vary according to the requirements of the employer and/or student, but will always be subject to the approval of the module tutor.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module students should have provided evidence of being able to:
• understand a work environment (normally music-related), how it functions and their contribution to it;
• understand and apply work-based learning to other areas of personal development, including academic achievement in music;
• demonstrate high-level transferable skills including communication (written and oral), organisational and personal/time management, problem solving, setting objectives, negotiating and interaction with employers and work colleagues, meeting deadlines, accepting criticism, self-awareness of strengths and limitations, especially in a music environment;
• show ability to decide, plan and compete in the job market, specifically but not exclusively in music-related areas.


The module is taken as a work placement/internship in an organisation outside the University of Leeds. Therefore, no set syllabus is defined, though a job description will be obtained from the host organisation.

The syllabus will include preparation of an oral presentation and a written report which will be assessed when the student has returned to University.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours1,190.00
Total Contact hours10.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

Private study includes:
- work-related learning at placement. Students must complete the placement as agreed with the placement provider in order to pass the module.
- private study/reading and individual research
- reflection, analysis and writing in preparation of portfolio
- preparation of reflective log
- collection and collation of evidence centred on employment themes and ideas agreed with the tutor
- attendance at University feedback session
- preparation of oral presentation.

Learning & teaching methods:
- Students will receive at least 1 work place visit by a placement tutor, unless their placement is abroad, in which case alternative arrangements will be made.
- Tutorials will normally take the following form: a monthly report from student to tutor for the first 6 months of the placement, followed by further reports (e.g. one every two months) by mutual agreement between student and tutor, to a maximum of 12. Reports may form the basis of email/phone tutorials.
- A final summarising report will be submitted for each placement.

Students who undertake more than one placement must discuss and agree an appropriate reporting schedule with their tutor.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

During the placement year there will be regular remote contact with a placement tutor and at least one workplace visit by a placement tutor. Students will also be expected to keep updating, on a regular basis, an online log based in the VLE, to which the placement tutor will have access.

All agreed monthly reports and the final report must be submitted in order for the module to be passed.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PortfolioA 2,000-2,500 word written summary of a portfolio related to the stated outcomes of the module, in part drawing upon the reflective log. The portfolio will contain contextual information on the host organisation, a description of (and reflection on) the process undertaken to secure the placement, reflective analysis on how the placement developed the understanding of a music-related work environment and their contribution to it, and reflection on the skills developed and demonstrated on the placement and how they relate to personal, career and academic development. NOTE: The written work (monthly and final reports) sent to Leeds during the year in industry must be submitted in order to pass the year.50.00
PresentationFormal presentation of 10 mins followed by questions to allowi exploration of the skills and knowledge gained during the placement related to the stated outcomes of the module. The verbal presentation may, on occasions, be given as part of a symposium-type event, where candidates present to each other and placement tutors.50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

• The written work (monthly and final reports) sent to Leeds during the year in industry must be submitted in order to pass the year. These reports should inform the examiners of any circumstances which have affected the work. The student should notify Leeds staff immediately if they are having difficulties, and use the mitigating circumstances process (see the VLE Music Organisation/key documents/downloadable forms) if ill-health or other issues have affected your placement. If the written work will be submitted after the agreed deadline, the student should apply for an extension in advance, as they would normally. The scenarios below presume calculations based on placement hours completed. • The student must complete the placement as agreed with the placement provider in order to pass the module. Re-sit opportunities will normally be possible if the student makes an application for mitigating circumstances which is accepted by the relevant committee. If they choose not to take this opportunity, they would transfer to the 3-year BA programme. • If the student completes at least 50% of the agreed placement hours of the year in industry, the School will normally organise a re-sit opportunity that could be completed outside the workplace. . Unless ill-health prevents this, it should be completed before the final year begins, so that progression to level 3 at Leeds can be confirmed. • If the student completes less than half the year in industry, they would normally transfer to the BA programme. However, the student could discuss the possibility of a re-sit of a semester or year with staff. This would be conditional on finding a suitable placement through the normal procedures, and based on the principles outlined above. Funding issues will be complicated. In line with other Leeds modules, the student is allowed a third attempt, though obviously it would be necessary to take further time away if they wished to take this opportunity; the conditions above would apply.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 23/10/2019


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