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2019/20 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MUSS9000 Year Abroad (BMus)

120 creditsClass Size: 20

Module manager: Jo Fairley

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2019/20

Module replaces

MUSI9001 Year Abroad

This module is not approved as a discovery module


To demonstrate the ability to follow a programme of study for an academic year at an agreed exchange destination outside the UK.

Learning outcomes
- Developing ability and experience in reflective practice, in support of personal/ academic/instrumental/vocal development (normally in an on-line format) in accordance with School guidelines.
- Instrumental/vocal development in a conservatoire atmosphere/experience; advancement in vocal/ instrumental ability appropriate to strong progression onto final year Performance.

Skills outcomes
- the ability to gather and critically evaluate information from a variety of sources
- skills necessary for the communication of information, ideas, problems, and solutions in a variety of ways
- the exercise of initiative, personal responsibility and decision making
- personal skills required to live and work successfully in the environment of the foreign country.


The learning context will include complex and unpredictable situations. The study will be structured within a framework that provides increasing breadth and depth and opportunities for developing proficiency in the application of concepts and techniques.

Students will normally have the opportunity to pursue particular interests and to undertake some autonomous study, especially in their particular area of performance.

Teaching methods

Private study hours1,200.00
Total Contact hours0.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Email tutorials with the School Study Abroad coordinator and/or BMus programme manager and the Univeristy Study Abroad.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentCompletion of reporting/reviewing tasks set during the Year Abroad, normally supported by evidence from the host institution that the year abroad has been completed successfully. Project folio: It is difficult to give precise parameters, given the wide variation in types of project. The scope and content of the folio will be agreed by negotiation with the module tutor.100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Resit arrangements: The scenarios below presume calculations based on modules passed, or weeks completed, if there are no examination results available. - If you complete at least 75% of the year abroad, it will be presumed that you have completed the year successfully. Please be prepared to provide clear evidence of the number of weeks teaching you have attended, if you do not complete modules and receive grades. Re-sit opportunities will normally be possible if you make an application for mitigating circumstances which is accepted by the relevant committee. If you choose not to take this opportunity, you would transfer to the 3-year BA programme. - If you complete 50%-74% of the year abroad, the School will normally organise a re-sit opportunity that could be completed in the UK. Unless ill-health prevents this, it should be completed before the final year begins, so that progression to level 3 at Leeds can be confirmed. - If you complete less than half the year abroad, you would normally transfer to the BA programme. However, you could discuss the possibility of a re-sit of a semester or year with staff. This would be conditional on successful selection for a place abroad through the normal procedures, and based on the principles outlined above. Funding issues will be complicated (see 1. below) In line with other Leeds modules, you are allowed a third attempt, though obviously it would be necessary to take further time away if you wished to take this opportunity; the conditions above would apply. 1. For instance, Erasmus grant money may have to be repaid, or housing contract refunds may not be available in the case of early termination. You would need to contact Student Finance if you fail to complete the year abroad, and you would have to negotiate funding for any re-sit attempt owing to ill health.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 13/11/2018 09:25:46


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