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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

PECI3708 Contemporary Theatre Makers

20 creditsClass Size: 35

Module manager: Dr Anna Fenemore

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

The module will offer an introduction to key international theatre makers and will provide an in-depth critical investigation of their work. The lectures will use a range of case studies to help the students gain an understanding of the working methods, aesthetic decisions, strategies and visions of the selected theatre makers.


On completion of this module, students should be able to:
• map the historical impact of a range of theatre makers on the field
• understand a range of directorial and theatre making approaches
• critically discuss the developments of theatre making in an aesthetic, political and socio-cultural context.
• analyse the work of contemporary practitioners with confidence

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:
1. Identify the cultural, historical, and social contexts of specific influential contemporary theatre makers;
2. Critically discuss the different working methods, creative strategies and aesthetic principles of key international theatre makers;
3. Identify common practices, strategies and compositional practices from a critical perspective;
4. Outline the differences between regie, auteur, director, theatre maker and related professional terms.

Skills Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:
5. Weigh up different arguments and perspectives, using supporting evidence to form opinions, arguments, theories and ideas.
6. Use the oral, written, auditory, and visual language skills needed to be able to learn effectively and demonstrate understanding.
7. Search for, evaluate and use appropriate and relevant information sources to help strengthen the quality of academic work and independent research.


The module will introduce the work of major theatre makers and discuss their role in the theatre making compositional process. An indicative list of theatre makers might include Arianne Mnouchkine, Elizabeth LeCompte, Julie Taymor. Katie Mitchell, Anne Bogart, Lev Dodi, Ivo Van Hove, Calixto Bieito, Romeo Castellucci and Thomas Ostermeier, each of whose whose impact is regarded as innovative and ground-breaking. The use of technology, intermediality, musicality, time and other compositional theatre making techniques will be discussed in detail and supported by appropriate audio-visual examples.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours77.00
Private study hours100.50
Total Contact hours22.50
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

There will be a tutorial specifically to discuss the portfolio and to monitor student progress. During the tutorial the student will receive feedback on their title, structure and additional specialised bibliographical references.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Presentation15 minute group presentation50.00
Portfolio2,000-2,500 word portfolio50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/02/2024


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