2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue
PHIL5723M War, Terror, and Justice
30 creditsClass Size: 20
Module manager: Joseph Bowen
Email: J.Bowen@leeds.ac.uk
Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable
Year running 2024/25
This module is mutually exclusive with
PHIL3723 | War, Terror and Justice |
This module is not approved as an Elective
Module summary
Drawing extensively on the contemporary literature in analytic moral and political philosophy, this module offers an exploration of several key issues in international ethics: warfare, terrorism, nuclear deterrence, and questions of distributive justice and responsibility for the harms of poverty and deprivation. It will also explore accounts of individual self-defence as essential background for theorizing about war.Objectives
The central objectives of this course are:To familiarize students with some of the leading contemporary theories and debates which matter to moral analysis of self-defence, war, terrorism, military conflict, and international justice.
To enable students to engage critically with some of the philosophical debates arising from these issues.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the module, students should have provided evidence of being able to:
Understand in depth of some of the key concepts, issues, debates, and approaches in the contemporary literature on the ethics of self-defence, war, terrorism, and international distributive justice.
Demonstrate advanced analytical skills when critically discussing texts and topics orally in seminars and in writing.
Present in their written work clear, cogent, sustained arguments, drawing on material from a range of relevant resources.
Conduct independent research and make appropriate use of supervision structures.
Skills outcomes
Understand in depth of some of the key concepts, issues, debates, and approaches in contemporary political philosophy.
Apply this theoretical knowledge and understanding in such a way as to make sense of specific global challenges, both orally and in writing.
Analysing and criticising philosophical arguments and theories clearly and incisively.
Thinking through complex philosophical questions with independence of mind.
Arguing for a philosophical position and expressing this argument effectively both in writing and orally.
This module will include such topics as, for example:
An introduction to war, killing, and international ethics
Individual self-defence
Analysing jus in bello in Just War Theory: Moral Equality of Combatants and Non-Combatant Immunity
Analysing jus ad bellum in Just War Theory: the significance of sovereignty and the case for humanitarian intervention
The morality of nuclear deterrence
The morality of terrorism
The morality of interrogational torture
What are our responsibilities to the world’s poor?
The ethics of nationalism
International distributive justice: cosmopolitanism versus non-cosmopolitanism
Teaching methods
Delivery type | Number | Length hours | Student hours |
Supervision | 1 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
Lecture | 16 | 1.00 | 16.00 |
Seminar | 9 | 1.00 | 9.00 |
Private study hours | 274.00 | ||
Total Contact hours | 26.00 | ||
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) | 300.00 |
Private study
Weekly reading and preparation for seminars: 9 x 10 = 90 hoursResearch and preparation for essay: 96 hours
Essay writing (including drafts and revisions): 88 hours
Opportunities for Formative Feedback
Formative feedback will be given in the following ways:In the nine one-hour seminars, the module leader will respond to student questions and support understanding based on the module content and readings (shared with UG students).
The module leaders will provide feedback on analytical skills when critically discussing texts and topics orally in seminars. Meets LO2.
In a one-to-one one-hour essay supervision with the module leader, the module leader will comment and provide guidance and feedback on a 1,000-word essay plan submitted by the student.
Office hours offered by the module leader and tutorial leader (if these are different).
Student progress will be monitored in the following ways:
Submission of a 5,000-word essay submitted at the end of the module.
Methods of assessment
Assessment type | Notes | % of formal assessment |
Essay | 5000 words | 100.00 |
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) | 100.00 |
Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated
Reading list
The reading list is available from the Library websiteLast updated: 29/04/2024 16:19:43
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