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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

SOEE2931 Advanced Skills for Geoscientists

20 creditsClass Size: 80

Module manager: Vern Manville

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of Level 1 of registered programme

This module is mutually exclusive with

SOEE2710Data Analysis and Visualisation for Environmental Applicatio
SOEE2810Data Analysis and Visualisation
SOEE5710MAdvanced Data Analysis and Visualisation for Environmental A

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module provides the specialist training necessary to successfully plan, execute and write-up an independent geological mapping project. It also aims to provide Geology students with a core set of transferable computing and analytical skills to make them highly competitive in the pursuit of their subsequent careers and to facilitate their transition from Higher Education study to the workplace. Recognising that proficiency in computer programming is becoming increasingly necessary and valuable for data analysis (in particular for processing and visualising large/complex datasets), this module aims to provide a broad and solid foundation in this skill to act as a springboard for more advanced or specialist computing. Here you will learn the basic computer programming skills required to analyse and plot data sets, beyond what can be done with Excel. The course begins with an introduction to the UNIX computer system and the basic principles of computer programming. Programming experience in the aspects of the Python language necessary for data manipulation and visualisation is developed through the course of the module.


This module will provide training in essential skills for modern geoscientists. These will include:

(i) planning, preparing for, safely undertaking and communicating the results of a programme of fieldwork.

(ii) collection of field data and the preparation of geological maps using GIS.

(iii) geological map interpretation and analysis.

(iv) the use of computer programming using Python to undertake a flexible range of tasks.

(v) data analysis, visualisation, and interpretation: students will have an opportunity to gain practical experience of how geological and environmental data is analysed, interpreted and reported.

(vi) an awareness of potential career paths in the Earth Sciences, while evaluating their strengths and weaknesses as learners, and developing plans for professional and career progression.

Learning outcomes
By the conclusion of this module students will be equipped to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to apply the concepts, competencies and techniques used to acquire, record, and undertake first-order analysis of geological field data (including awareness of limitations and uncertainties), in the form of field maps, notebooks and other data collection formats.
2. Engage with research practices in geological sciences through preparing for a campaign of independent field work, including the creation of base maps, evaluation of health and safety issues, familiarisation with the published literature on an area, and the formulation of strategies for dealing with area-specific geological challenges.
3. Effectively communicate the results of a fieldwork campaign through the preparation of a correctly structured and illustrated field report to professional standards, including organising, managing, and presenting field data within a Geographic Information System.
4. Demonstrate an ability to interpret published geological maps in terms of their three-dimensional structure and temporal evolution through the production of accurate cross-sections and detailed geological histories using appropriate geometric and construction techniques, including the use of structure contours, to solve spatial problems.
5. Practice skills in measurements, analysis, synthesis and integration of information, and in the application of related theoretical knowledge, where relevant.
6. Be able to perform simple operations on Linux systems (e.g. moving between and managing directories, text editing)
7. Design and execute efficient, simple computer programs (in Python) for reading, manipulating, analysing (including plotting) and outputting data, and diagnose and correct errors in code.
8. Identify a career plan and reflect on the skills, experience and knowledge required to implement it.

Skills outcomes
Geographical information systems

Geological map–making and mapwork skills

Professional practice under field conditions

Computer literacy on Linux operating systems

The logic and syntax required for effective computer programming

Programming expertise in Python, best practise in layout and structure of scripts

Manipulation and plotting of data sets


1. The interpretation of geological maps at a variety of scales and across a range of styles of geology, developing an understanding of 3-dimensional relationships and geometries through the construction of accurate cross-sections and block diagrams.

2. Synoptic application of geological knowledge to the understanding and interpretation of 4-dimensional geological systems and the reconstruction of past environments of deposition and geological histories.

3. Use of specialist geometric techniques such as structure contours to solve map-related problems.

4. Identifying and interpreting remote sensing data for use in field mapping work-flows.

5. Writing and illustrating a field report, including synthesis, analysis and interpretation of field data and its presentation.

6. Acquisition of skills in Geographic Information Systems including geodatabase construction and the digitisation of field maps and related data.

7. Use of graphics software in the preparation of geological illustrations.

8. Planning and preparing for a field campaign, including background research, determination of H&S issues and their mitigation, and the preparation of base maps and other resources.

9. Mapping field class (7 days): training in advanced geological map-making and field data recording techniques, with an emphasis on situational learning, flexibility, and dealing with uncertainty. Also covers professional practice and H&S aspects of fieldwork.

10. File navigation, basic text editing and file management in UNIX.

11. Programming in Python, including:
a. reading simple data types (e.g., text files)
b. matrix manipulation (e.g., time and spatial means)
c. conditional statements and loops
d. data visualisation and plotting (line, scatter and contour plots)
e. writing scripts and functions
f. formatting simple output data
g. structured programming and debugging

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Computer Class81.5012.00
Independent online learning hours32.00
Private study hours62.00
Total Contact hours106.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

Preparation of formative assessment exercises for academic tutorials. Students will be expected to undertake independent literature searches and apply critical reading to develop their knowledge and understanding. Preparation of a synoptic field report based on the Assynt field class. Preparation for the Independent Mapping project undertaken between L2 and L3/5.

Completion of outstanding tasks on non-assessed weekly computer programming worksheets, which students will begin in class, where assistance from demonstrators is available. Completion of the programming coursework assignment following the coursework workshop sessions.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students receive generic and one-to-one verbal feedback from academic staff and PGR demonstrators during the mapping training field class on a daily basis. They also receive written formative feedback and an indicative grade on field materials at the end of the mapping-training field class.
L2 S1 academic tutors and tutorials provide feedback during the writing up of the formative field report.

Staff and demonstrators provide feedback during the GIS and mapwork practicals.
Python: Students will be able to ask questions and discuss examples with staff during the live-coding sessions each week. They will receive informal feedback on debugging codes, coding style and their responses to the non-assessed worksheets every week during the computer practical classes.

Formal written feedback will be provided for the assessed coursework.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay1200 word report on the regional geology of their independent mapping project areas0.00
Report2500 word field report on the mapping Field Class25.00
Computer ExerciseInvestigation of the climate during the Last Glacial Maximum using climate model data, through guided programming tasks. Ability to write functional code (40%), code in a good style that produces quality plots (30%) and interpret the results (30%) are assessed.50.00
PortfolioField notebooks, field slips and cross-sections from the mapping training field class.0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)75.00

Exam needs to utilise flat space in the EVL, for use of geological maps. This type of assessment exercise is not appropriate for online delivery.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc) (S1)2 hr 30 mins25.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)25.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:20:31


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