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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

SPSC1211 Tutorial and Practical Skills in Sport and Exercise Science

20 creditsClass Size: 100

Module manager: Dr Sarah Astill

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

During your degree, you will have opportunities to interpret interesting data and even form your own research ideas and collect data. This module aims to prepare you for this challenge, introducing the basic concepts of research design, and descriptive and inferential statistics. You will learn how to search for scientific papers, formulate ideas, and interpret published work. You will learn to design a simple experiment, interpret data, and develop an understanding of statistical terminology, reliability and validity of data and experimental design. This module also explores concepts of employability and the skills and attributes needed to work as a Sport and Exercise Scientists in a variety of environments, and how you might develop these during your time at University.


This module aims to introduce the basic concepts of research design, data manipulation and statistical analyses. This module will enable students to be able to use databases to conduct a scientific literature search and formulate research questions; write scientifically and understand basic concepts in qualitative and quantitative research design. In addition, this module will help you identify and develop attributes required for your career in the Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module students will be able to;
1. Outline and explain if and how physical activity (based on scientific evidence in the literature) can support health and wellbeing;
2. Apply the relevant and appropriate statistical technique to the analysis of data to look at relationships between data sets, differences between data sets and how one data set might predict another;
3. Summarise and present data in the most appropriate form;
4. Interpret results of statistical tests and demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts;
5. Effectively communicate data analysis and interpretation of results;
6. Identify and outline the graduate attributes that you need to develop for a career in the Sport and Exercise Sciences

Skills outcomes
- Managing Knowledge: collecting, selecting, organising and interpreting data, data evaluation and synthesis, use of IT skills; use of data management skills;
- Managing Self: planning, time management, independent study;
- Managing Interrelationships: teamwork and cooperation, decision taking, learning from others, leadership;
- Presentation Skills: visual presentation of data, scientific writing.


- Employability in the Sport and Exercise Sciences;
- Research in the Sport and Exercise Sciences: A focus on Physical Activity;
- Scientific Writing and Literature Searches;
- Writing a Lab Report;
- Formulating a Research Question- Hypothesis testing;
- Ethics in the Sport and Exercise Sciences;
- Client Handling and Special Populations;
- Reliability, Validity and Generalizability of data in the Sport and Exercise Sciences;
- Qualitative Research Approaches;
- Using Excel: Descriptive Statistics including Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion;
- Quantitative Data Analysis: T tests (difference testing), Correlations and Regression (Measuring Association).

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
In Course Assessment11.001.00
Private study hours166.00
Total Contact hours34.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

- 19 hours: reading (1 hour per lecture)
- 12 hours: preparation for practicals/workshops
- 18 hours: writing up/analysis of practicals/workshops
- 94 hours: preparation for assessments
- 6 hours preparation for tutorials with Academic Personal Tutor (including online documentation.
- 5 hours: reflection and consolidation for reflective essay.
- 12 hours work (paid or voluntary)

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Additional tutorials will be available to those students wanting extra assistance.

The assessment of this module should be discussed with Academic Personal Tutors, and feedback given on essay topics, experimental design and analyses. Assessments are aligned with the timings of the Academic Personal Tutorials throughout the academic year.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
In-course AssessmentPass / fail component must be completed. Confirmation of 12 hours work experience (when / where undertaken) either paid or voluntary. Evidence to be submitted on work form.0.00
Essay750 words max (individual submission)30.00
PresentationGroup presentation with use of PowerPoint20.00
ReportLaboratory report (individual submission) 1,000 words30.00
ReportReflective essay on development of graduate attributes (individual submission 750 words)20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

A compulsory 12 hours of voluntary (paid or unpaid) work must be completed and evidence provided.(Pass/fail component). You will not gain credits if this is not completed successfully. Failure to complete this work to pass standard will result in a V code being appended to the final module mark.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 12/09/2022


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