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2022/23 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

ARTF5007M MA Exhibition

50 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr Cesar Cornejo

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2022/23

Pre-requisite qualifications

A good honours degree or equivalent qualification/professional experience.


ARTF5101MAdvanced Research Skills 1
ARTF5551MStudio Practice


ARTF5102MAdvanced Research Skills 2
ARTF5217MMA Fine Art Dissertation

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

Students are expected to spend a minimum of 3 days in the studio developing critical and analytical skills through a revised Project Plan (PFP), attending studio seminars, group crits, tutorials, Visiting Artists' Talks series and field trips evidenced through a curated exhibition of their work (or equivalent public output) and supported by related documentation and Personal Statement (PFP).


Engage with a wide variety of practical and theoretical concerns in the production, distribution and criticism of art work;
Develop critical and analytic skills and integrate/use these skills in the production of works of art;
Experiment practically and reflect critically on that practice;
Engage in the knowing integration of the critical and historical reflection on art with the production of art;
Produce a body of work for assessment at the completion of semester together with related documentation in relevant media.
Organise and implement the variety of practical and professional skills required to mount such an exhibition;
Liaise with internal/external bodies for publicity, space allocation and related matters for the successful mounting of such an exhibition.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
- engage with and resolve practical and theoretical concerns in the production, distribution and criticism of art work;
- develop critical and analytic skills and be able to integrate those skills in the production of works of art;
- integrate those skills/competencies attained in Year 1 within the production of artwork;
- build on group learning skills and responsiveness to group criticism and discussion seminars;
- demonstrate raised awareness of the contemporary art world and its centres of gravity and modes of distribution;
- produce a body of work for assessment at the completion of the semester together with related documentation in relevant media;
- organise, prepare, curate, mount, and document an exhibition of that body of work with appropriate documentary support;
- develop organisational skills, and where applicable, fund-raising, publicity, curatorial and other professional skills related to the mounting of an exhibition;
- organise and implement the variety of practical and professional skills required to mount such an exhibition

Skills outcomes
- Skills necessary to undertake higher research degree and/or for employment in a higher capacity in an area of professional practice.

- Participation in group discussions.

- Evaluating own achievement and that of others.

- Self-direction and effective decision-making.

- Independent learning.

- Use of methodologies and practical resources.


Students develop the critical and analytical skills through a revised Project Plan, studio seminars, tutorials, group crits, the Artists' Talks series and field trips that will be evidenced through a curated assessment exhibition of their work (or equivalent public output) and supported by related documentation.
In preparation for the MA Exhibition module assessment, practical work/projects are brought to final stages of completion with issues of professional display, curation, publicity and exhibition resolved; the production and preparation of an appropriate form of catalogue and/or website produced utilising the necessary DTP and IT support within and outside of the School.
The presentation of final work to a professional standard is the responsibility of the student in consultation with studio staff, and represents part of their professional development, furnishing the student with the skills necessary for a continuing art practice.

The presentation of final work to a professional standard is the responsibility of the student in consultation with studio staff, and represents part of professional training, furnishing the student with the skills necessary for a developing/continuing professional practice.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Studio Crit53.0015.00
Private study hours512.00
Total Contact hours88.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)600.00

Private study

- The majority of private study and independent learning hours will be studio-based, developing ideas and formalising projects.
- Independent learning will also include enrolling for specialist workshop inductions as and when available and appropriate to the individual’s work.
- Students will be expected to make regular visits to galleries and events nationally.
- The students will be expected to convene regularly as a group to discuss, plan and take on an equal share of the workload in realising the final exhibition.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

i. Revised Project Plan
ii. Group Crits
iii. Tutorials
iv. Personal Statement
Students will present their work in progress at group crits during the semester and submit work for final assessment in September. Attendance
and participation in seminars and crits will be monitored. Individual tutorials during the semester will also serve to monitor progress.

Students will present their work in progress at group crits during the semester and submit work for final assessment in September. Attendance and participation in seminars and criticisms will be monitored. Individual tutorials during the semester will also serve to monitor progress.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentProject Plan max 750 - 1,000 words0.00
Personal StatementMax 1,000 words0.00
PracticalExhibition of artefacts and supporting documentation of studio work developed during the module100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Course work Resit: Presentation of a portfolio of work developed in the period leading up to the resit deadline which responds to the Aims and Objectives of the module. In consolation with the Module Leader, this may be a further development of work previously submitted. Presentation space to be organised by the Module Leader.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 04/08/2022


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