2022/23 Undergraduate Module Catalogue
FREN2345 Twentieth and Twenty-First Century French Fiction
15 creditsClass Size: 10
Module manager: Prof David Platten (Sem 1)/Dr Nigel Saint (Sem 2)
Email: d.p.platten@leeds.ac.uk/n.w.saint@leeds.ac.uk
Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable
Year running 2022/23
Pre-requisite qualifications
Successful completion of Level 1 BA French programmesThis module is not approved as a discovery module
Module summary
The post-War French novel is characterised by a proliferation of styles and an expanding readership. We have seen fascinating developments in the art of storytelling, new ideas about society and politics, the continuing ascendancy of crime fiction, crises about French identity and the impact of new technologies. This module aims to explore these trends through extensive engagement with three key texts of the modern and contemporary periods.Objectives
- To develop and nurture students' abilities to read critically a selection of modern and contemporary prose narratives written in the French language;- To enhance students' appreciation of the content and style of these novels, by using a range of diverse teaching techniques;
- To enable students to assess the impact of these works on the culture and society of the period;
- To develop students' research skills through their identification and use of secondary sources to support original arguments or critical positions on the set texts;
- To promote a participative approach to the study of literature, highlighting the benefits of guided autonomous learning;
- To introduce students to concepts of literary reception and especially how the literary press shapes our readings of fiction;
- To provide opportunities for students to broaden their knowledge of a given writer through the close study of other parts of the oeuvre.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students
- will be able to read critically and with more confidence prose narratives written in French;
- will have demonstrated their ability to evaluate a text with reference to how aspects of language and rhetoric inflect meaning;
- will have shown an enhanced understanding of how social and cultural contexts inform our understanding of fictional works;
- will have an enhanced understanding of literary reception and the roles of the press and the critic in determining meaning;
- will have developed more advanced research skills in relation to literary study
- will have a better appreciation of how teamwork and peer collaboration enhance independent study
- will have had the opportunity to apply their research skills and critical faculties via the conception and production of an independent research project based on primary sources derived from the oeuvre of a contemporary writer.
Skills outcomes
The module will help students to develop the following subject-specific skills:
- the ability to read, analyse and discuss important works of French literature in French
- improved French vocabulary and cultural awareness
- an understanding of the profound changes affecting French society since the 1960s.
The syllabus may vary from year to year. Past authors/texts have included Albert Camus, La Peste (1947) (Belin, Gallimard, 2012), Virginie Despentes, Apocalypse Bébé (2010) (LGF, 2012), & Edouard Louis, En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule (2014) (Editions du Seuil, 2015).
Teaching methods
Delivery type | Number | Length hours | Student hours |
Lecture | 15 | 1.00 | 15.00 |
Seminar | 9 | 1.00 | 9.00 |
Independent online learning hours | 16.00 | ||
Private study hours | 100.00 | ||
Total Contact hours | 24.00 | ||
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) | 140.00 |
Private study
Preparation for lectures and seminars: reading the primary texts, reading secondary sources, both material and online.Preparation for seminar presentations.
Preparation for debate.
Preparation for formative course essay.
Preparation for assessed essays/takeaway examination.
Opportunities for Formative Feedback
Performance in seminars, including individual and group presentations.Short practice essay in Semester 1.
Individual and collective feedback post mid-session examination (Semester 2)
Individual 'essay preparation' consultations (Semester 2).
Methods of assessment
Assessment type | Notes | % of formal assessment |
Essay | 1,500 words | 50.00 |
Essay | 1,500 words | 50.00 |
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) | 100.00 |
Due to COVID-19, teaching and assessment activities are being kept under review - see module enrolment pages for information The assessed essays, which are conceived as a takeaway examination of four weeks’ duration, will offer students the possibility of writing on two of the three set texts/authors.
Reading list
The reading list is available from the Library websiteLast updated: 29/04/2022 15:24:38
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