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2022/23 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5301M ECG Interpretation

30 creditsClass Size: 30

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Martin Walsh

Taught: 1 Sep to 31 Jan (adv yr), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan), Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2022/23

Pre-requisite qualifications

Certified evidence of the ability to study at level M. Experience of caring for patients requiring ECG interpretation desirable

This module is mutually exclusive with

HECS3220ECG Interpretation in Practice
HECS3257ECG Interpretation

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

The purpose of this module is to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the theory and principles of cardiac electrophysiology and electrocardiography to underpin advanced skills in assessment, investigation, diagnosis, management and care of patients and families with cardiac electrophysiological dysfunction in the acute and primary care settings.


The aim of this module is to enable the student to critically examine the knowledge, skills and activities required to accurately interpret the ECG, establish a differential diagnosis and consider appropriate immediate treatment and care for patients with cardiac electrophysiological dysfunction. Students will develop an in depth knowledge and understanding of normal and altered cardiac electrophysiology and electrocardiography. They will develop skills in ECG interpretation of ischaemia, infarction, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, conduction defects and accessory pathways, pacemakers, anatomical, electrolyte and drug influences upon the ECG

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module students will be able to;

Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and comprehension of cardiac electrophysiological mechanisms
Discuss in depth the electrocardiographic principles and theories which govern ECG recording
Demonstrate the ability to interpret normal and a range of abnormal and anomalous findings in advanced ECG interpretation
Critically evaluate the validity and reliability of ECG findings for assessment and diagnostic reasoning
Demonstrate effective and advanced problem solving skills in ECG interpretation and justify differential diagnosis and decisions made when formulating a plan of care
Exhibit mastery and independent practice and fully participate in collaborative team working with healthcare colleagues to formulate appropriate management strategies

Skills outcomes
The focus of this module will be the acquisition of advanced practical skills in rhythm and 12 lead ECG interpretation


Cardiac electrophysiology and theory and principles of electrocardiography
Normal rhythm parameters and cardiac axis
Ischaemic heart disease on ECG - to include ischaemia, non STEMI & STEMI and Q wave infarction
Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias on ECG - to include PAT, AF, flutter, AVNRT, AVRT, VT, Torsades, VF and ventricular flutter
Conduction and anomalous pathways on ECG - to include sinus, AV and bundle branch block and accessory pathways,
Enlargement and hypertrophy on ECG - to include underlying cardiac pathology
Influence of drugs, electrolyte imbalance and co morbid disease eg respiratory problems upon the ECG
Channelopathies eg Brugada syndrome
Consider alternative available assessment & investigation strategies to inform differential - definitive diagnosis
Immediate pharmacological, invasive intervention and adjunct therapies

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours22.00
Private study hours223.00
Total Contact hours55.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Guided reading
On line work - VLE articulate work
Preparation for tutorial discussion (ECG based case scenarios will be provided each week for student led discussion the following week)
Preparation of summative assessment (students will share thoughts and ideas for their critical analysis of a case scenario encountered in practice)

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students will complete pre course work in preparation for the first session and will have weekly homework to complete to assess progress prior to the following session. Weekly tutorials (usually at the beginning of each session) facilitated by the module leader will discuss and provide answer guidance on the ECG interpretation homework and on line work completed. There are 4 timetabled sessions which are dedicated to reviewing and revising learning from the previous 3 weeks including an exam preparation and revision session in the final week of taught input. A 1 hour group tutorial for academic supervision for the exam and written assignment is scheduled in the timetable and students may access one individual tutorial session for further support. A mock exam paper is available in the VLE.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ReportProject report (2500 words)50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)50.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Online Time-Limited assessment2 hr 50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)50.00

As both elements of assessment will assess all learning outcomes compensation will be allowed

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 12/08/2022


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