2022/23 Undergraduate Module Catalogue
SOEE1181 Ecology
10 creditsClass Size: 120
Module manager: Dr Tracy Aze
Email: T.Aze@leeds.ac.uk
Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable
Year running 2022/23
This module is not approved as a discovery module
Module summary
Ecology is the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment. Ecology is important because it allows us to understand how the world works and why human activity has the impacts that it does. Ecology gives us the fundamentals that help us better understand why species become extinct, why human activities effect species in different ways, and how we can sustainably use resources. This module will introduce environmental science and sustainability students to the theories and principles of ecology; we will explore the characteristics of individuals and how they determine patterns in populations, the dynamics of populations and their interactions in communities, and how communities interact with the environment to create the ecosystems we find across the world.Objectives
On completion of this module students will understand some of the key principles and theories of population, community and ecosystem ecology and will have explored those in relation to case study ecosystems.Skills outcomes
(See key at end of section)
- Categories for intellectual skills
B1: recognising and using subject-specific theories, paradigms, concepts and principles (3)
B2: analysing, synthesising and summarising information critically, including prior research (3)
B3: collecting and integrating several lines of evidence to formulate and test hypotheses (3)
B4: applying knowledge and understanding to address familiar and unfamiliar problems (3)
B5: recognising the moral and ethical issues of investigations and appreciating the need for professional codes of conduct (2).
- Categories for practical skills
C4: referencing work in an appropriate manner (2).
- Categories for communication skills
D1: receiving and responding to a variety of information sources (eg textual numerical, verbal, graphical) (2)
D2: communicating appropriately to a variety of audiences in written, verbal and graphical form (2).
- Categories for numeracy and C&IT skills
E1: appreciating issues of sample selection, accuracy, precision and uncertainty during collecting, recording and analysis of data in the field and laboratory (3)
E2: preparing, processing, interpreting and presenting data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques and packages (2)
E3: solving numerical problems using computer and non-computer based techniques (3)
E4: using the Internet critically as a means of communication and a source of information (1).
- Categories for interpersonal and teamwork skills
F1: identifying individual and collective goals and responsibilities and performing in a manner appropriate to these roles (1)
F2: recognising and respecting the views and opinions of other team members (1)
F3: evaluating performance as an individual and a team member (1).
- Categories for self management and professional development skills
G1: developing the skills necessary for self-managed and lifelong learning (eg working independently, time management and organisation skills) (1)
G3: developing an adaptable and flexible approach to study and work (2).
0 = no weight; 1 = little weight; 2 = moderate weight; 3 = considerable weight.
Part 1: Ecology across scales
Population Ecology 1: species and populations
Population Ecology 2: population dynamics
Community Ecology 1: Theories in community ecology
Community Ecology 2: community dynamics
Ecosystem Ecology 1: ecosystem networks
Ecosystem Ecology 2: ecosystem processes
Applied Ecology: Ecollogy in Environmental Management
Part 2: Ecological case studies
Exploration of 2 case studies in relation to ecological principles
Teaching methods
Delivery type | Number | Length hours | Student hours |
Fieldwork | 1 | 1.50 | 1.50 |
Lecture | 14 | 1.00 | 14.00 |
Practical | 1 | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Private study hours | 81.50 | ||
Total Contact hours | 18.50 | ||
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) | 100.00 |
Private study
- 3 hours per lecture = 42 hours- Fieldwork preparation = 4 hours
- Computer lab preparation = 4 hours
- Report writing = 30 hours.
Opportunities for Formative Feedback
Online via MCQs, in class activities, discussion during fieldwork, observation during fieldwork activity and discussion during report writing seminar.Methods of assessment
Assessment type | Notes | % of formal assessment |
Report | 2,000 word report | 100.00 |
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) | 100.00 |
Resits will be assessed by 2,000 word essay.
Reading list
The reading list is available from the Library websiteLast updated: 26/05/2022 14:15:14
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