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2022/23 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

DSUR5022M Research Methods Ethics and Statistics

30 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr Jing Kang

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2022/23

Pre-requisite qualifications

Applicants must meet the programme entry requirements

Module replaces

DSRU5061M Introduction to Research Methods and Ethics (10 credits)DSRU5104M Statistical Methods (10 credits)DSUR5059M Core Epidemiology (10 credits) for DPH and MSc in Paediatric Dentistry programmes

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module offers the basic skills for conducting scientific research project. It includes training students on project management, searching relevant information, reviewing evidence, academic writing, understanding ethic issues and safety, and being able to analyse data collected from research using appropriate statistical methods.Unless your programme is designed to be delivered fully online, your programme and modules will be delivered predominantly on campus. These teaching activities will be supported by the use of digital tools to enhance your learning and experience. The catalogue provides details of your module and the teaching methods used to deliver your module (for example, lecture, seminar, tutorial, practical). It does not necessarily provide you with information about the mode of delivery for specific learning activities on your module (whether these will be on campus or delivered digitally). Information about the delivery mode for learning and teaching activities for your modules will be published in the timetable and in the Minerva area for your modules. You can access your personalised timetable through Minerva or our UniLeeds app on your mobile device. We sometimes need to adapt our teaching to take account of developments in the subject, in response to new research and current affairs for example, and on occasion we may need to adapt our delivery modes too. You will be kept informed of any proposed changes to the content and delivery of your modules as described in the module catalogue and we’ll make sure you understand and agree the reasons for any changes before they are introduced.


This module aims to enable students to develop the skills to undertake an independent piece of research which demonstrates their ability to apply specialist level knowledge in the recognition of ethical issues and selection of appropriate research methodology (including relevant statistical considerations).

Learning outcomes
Through successful completion of this module students will show evidence of being able to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to systematically search, identify and critically appraise relevant literature to identify gaps in research evidence to formulate an appropriate research question.
2. Apply in-depth knowledge and select methodology (including statistics) appropriate to answer a specific research question.
3. Demonstrate critical awareness of the moral and ethical issues associated with the conduct of research.

Skills outcomes
Analytical skills; communication skills; critical thinking; initiative; time management; numeracy, information literacy, criticality and argument.


The module will be delivered by a number of academic staff within the School of Dentistry over the first semester, as a blend of face to face lectures, workshops and online learning and computer practicals covering:

1) Skills underpinning research practice
Information retrieval and management
Development of library searching skills
Bibliography management
Academic writing requirements
Introduction to systematic reviews
How to formulate a research question
Planning and executing research
Evidence-based dentistry
Quantitative and qualitative research

2) Ethics and good research practice
The practicalities of gaining ethical approval for dental research
Special considerations in health and safety of laboratory and clinical research

3) Statistical Methods
Descriptive and inferential statistical as the key tool for investigating diseases in a population
Developing a professional attitude towards statistical methods
A range of statistical inferences (confidence interval, hypothesis tests, types of errors) used in dental research
Given each type of study design and collected data, being able to choose the most appropriate statistical test or modelling technique for a research question
Interpretation of statistical output from statistical software (e.g. SPSS) and presentation of results

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning11.001.00
Drop-in Session41.004.00
Private study hours257.00
Total Contact hours43.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Much of the face to face learning is designed to offer practical examples of the subject matter which requires the students to use private study time in preparation for seminars, tutorials and lectures. In this way the time with tutors focuses upon covering the most important issues and the consolidation of knowledge through application of this to real life scenarios and problems related to research and the ethical issues therein. In addition, module participants will be expected to finish assignment problems.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress will be monitored during tutorials and group learning activity which will be interactive and offer the opportunity to see how each student`s skills are developing.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Poster PresentationResearch protocol and ethics30.00
Practical1 assignment on statistics40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)70.00

The poster presentation assesses LO1 and 3. The practical assignments will address all aspects of LO2.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Open Book exam2 hr 00 mins30.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)30.00

Online time limited assessment with a duration of 48 hours.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 26/01/2023


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