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2019/20 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

EDUC5016M Leading Teaching and Learning Through Evidence-based Practice

30 creditsClass Size: 25

Module manager: Dr Judy Sayers

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2019/20


EDUC5015MDev Teac and Learn Through EBP

This module is not approved as an Elective


This module aims to help students to:
- improve their professional practice and develop advanced professional skills
- develop a critical understanding of theoretical and practical perspectives of teaching and learning in relation to: teacher collaboration and school culture, effective leadership in schools, curriculum developments, innovation in teaching and assessing children's learning
- develop practitioner enquiry skills
- use current research findings to support professional practice
- develop advanced skills for collaborative working and dissemination

Learning outcomes
1. By engaging successfully with this module students will acquire a comprehensive knowledge and a critical understand of the following aspects of professional concern:
- the concept of school culture and the factors that shape it
- the importance of teacher collaboration
- the importance of effective leadership both in the classroom and in a managerial context
- the key components of group work in the classroom
- current developments in the school curriculum and the forces shaping government and school policy
- innovative teaching techniques and how these support children's motivation, engagement and learning
- current issues and debates in relation to the assessment of children's learning
- the concepts of formative assessment and assessment for learning
- how effective assessment practice can support children's learning

2 By engaging successfully with this module students will acquire a comprehensive knowledge and a critical understand of the action-enquiry cycle as applied to teaching for the purpose of supporting professional practice, specifically:
- a comprehensive understanding of a range of techniques and approaches applicable to their own professional enquiry (as specified in the module content)
- a critical understanding of ethical issues related to practitioner enquiry and research in the field of education.
- a practical understanding of how established techniques of enquiry are used to create, interpret and inform professional practice.
- advanced skills in communicating and disseminating enquiry findings effectively to other professionals
- an ability to critically evaluate current research in the field of education
- an ability to evidence advanced scholarship
- an understanding of how to begin to plan a major enquiry.

Skills outcomes
In addition to the skills of practitioner enquiry (above) by engaging successfully with this module students will develop advanced professional skills in:
- planning teaching and learning for individuals and groups of learners
- teaching and assessment
- enquiring into, evaluating and reflecting on their own professional practice
- leadership in a work-based context
- identifying their professional development needs
- sharing good practice and enquiry findings with other professionals


The content of this module is as follows:
- forms of teacher collaboration, how teacher collaboration supports children's learning
- definitions of school culture and ethos and factors influencing these (particularly leadership and collaboration), school culture and pupil attainment
- leading teaching and learning – in the classroom and in a departmental managerial context
- leadership skills
- managing effective group work in the classroom - the importance of talk and peer scaffolding
- current developments in the school curriculum, e.g., the increased emphasis on knowledge, the role of ICT, the teaching of reading
- innovative teaching methods, e.g., active learning, creativity, learning outside the classroom, questioning skills, etc., and engaging learners
- current issues in assessment, e.g., authenticity and reliability, the viability of on-line assessment, impact of assessment on the breadth of the curriculum, etc.
- assessment for learning and formative assessment - principles and practice

Throughout this module approaches to practitioner enquiry and practitioner enquiry skills will be introduced and developed, that is:
- the action research cycle and practitioner enquiry
- sampling
- developing classroom observation, participant observation
- interpreting pupil attainment data
- interviewing and focus groups – transcribing
- experiments, e.g., pre and post testing,
- using secondary sources, e.g., diaries and visual images
- validity and reliability – particularly in reference to qualitative enquiries
- ethical issues in practitioner enquiry
- planning a major enquiry

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment150.0050.00
Independent online learning hours50.00
Private study hours173.00
Total Contact hours77.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Private study - independent learning time will be spent preparing the module assignments, preparing and following-up taught sessions (that is, though reading and school-based tasks) and reading more widely around the module content.

Independent on-line learning will be via the VLE and email. The VLE will contain study materials and will facilitate discussion between students. Tutor support for students' preparation of the module assignment will utilise both the VLE (group support) and email (individual support).

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress will be monitored by the tutor in the following ways:
- contribution to lectures and seminars, e.g., feedback on school-based tasks, reading and comment on professional practice
- contribution to individual tutorials - face-to-face and on-line
- progress with the module assignments including draft materials

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay1) Collaboration, students will have the choice of focussing either on managing collaborative learning for pupils, or, managing teacher collaboration in a department, 3000 words50.00
Essay2) Critically evaluate the role and effectiveness of formative assessment in supporting children's learning in the classroom. 3000 words50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 16/05/2019


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