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2023/24 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE5941M Whole Life Asset Management

15 creditsClass Size: 70

Module manager: Mr K Moodley

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Normally a good honours degree in Civil Engineering or cognate discipline.

This module is mutually exclusive with

CIVE5990MProject and Asset Management

This module is not approved as an Elective


The module aims to develop an understanding of the whole life management of infrastructure assets. It sets out how the context of an organisation influences infrastructure choices. It examines how business strategy translates to infrastructure choices and infrastructure strategy. The relationship between risk, cost, value and performance is evaluated over the whole-life of an asset. An understanding of the interaction between new capital investment and existing assets is also developed.
On completion of this module students should be able to:
 Understand the process of whole life asset management
 Apply of tools and techniques of physical asset management to develop a SAMP.
 Understanding of the implications of whole life management concepts for delivering value-for-money in infrastructure asset management in Opex and Capex terms
 Be aware of the relationship between risk, cost, value and performance in terms of whole-life infrastructure asset decision-making

Learning outcomes
General learning outcomes (UK-SPEC):
- The ability to apply new concepts and methods (in the context of whole life asset management).

Specific learning outcomes (UK-SPEC):
- Understanding of concepts related to whole life management from a project and wider organisational context and to evaluate them through a complex case study (Science and Mathematics)
- To develop appropriate solutions to asset infrastructure problems through the use of risk and life-cycle tools (Engineering Analysis)
- To have knowledge of design processes in the development of new infrastructure assets and their life-cycle implications (Design)
- The ability to generate ideas that might generate new infrastructure asset when considering the entire life implications of the design (Design)
- An understanding of management and business practices and limitations through the use tools such as PESTEL, VFM, Risk analysis and LCC to develop infrastructure asset management strategies (Economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context )
- An awareness of and ability to apply risk evaluation techniques in the organisation, legislative, commercial and social context of infrastructure development, operations and decommissioning (Economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context)
- An awareness of the need for sustainability in whole life infrastructure solutions including design, operation and decommissioning challenges (Economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context )
- The ability to problem-solve and communicate through team working and presentations. (Additional General Skills).


 Assets, Infrastructure and Organisation strategy.
 The concept of whole life management (WLM).
 The key components of asset management, SAMP, AMP, Implementation, Operations, Renewal and Disposal. Development of line of sight.
 Relationships between Capital Investment, Maintenance, Renewal and Disposal.
 A Risk, Vulnerability and Criticality
 Value and risk compromises in whole life management - OPEX and CAPEX considerations
 The Asset Management process, tools and techniques for WLM. Life-cycle assessment and CBA
 Technical and managerial issues in WLM - Introduction to ISO 55000 and related guidelines

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours100.00
Total Contact hours50.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

- Reading - 60 hours
- Preparation for project - 50 hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Two 1 hour tutorials to monitor progress and VLE activity.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Project6,000 word project report100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:52:56


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