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2023/24 Undergraduate Programme Catalogue

BA Learning and Teaching (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Programme code:BA-PT/LTSENDUCAS code:
Duration:2 Years Method of Attendance: Part Time
Programme manager:Anita Collins Contact

Total credits: 120

Entry requirements:

Entry requirements:
GCSE English grade A*- C or 9 - 4 or equivalent
GCSE Maths grade A*- C or 9 - 4 or equivalent

A FD, DipHE or equivalent level qualification in L&T or a similar relevant discipline with a significant focus on SEND.

a qualification at NVQ level 5 with significant evidence of SEND related study
normally coupled with at least 2 years' experience of work in an educational role or
and GCSE English and Maths grade A* - C or equivalent
All applicants must also be engaged in relevant work (paid or voluntary) with a
minimum of 60 hours per year.

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

Lifelong Learning Centre

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

Lifelong Learning Centre
Existing Learning and Teaching exam board

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:

The programme has been developed with reference to the Subject Benchmark Statement for Education Studies

Programme specification:

The BA Top-up in Learning and Teaching: Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is a part-time programme for people working or volunteering in training, tutoring or support roles with learners in schools, specialist units, FE, HE, the voluntary sector, libraries and a variety of other contexts.

The programme runs for one afternoon per week and can be completed within 18 months. It is aimed at those working with learners with SEND who wish to further develop their understanding and expertise in this area, building on their learning at Foundation Degree level to gain a specialist degree which enhances their career prospects.

The BA combines the development of specialist knowledge through option modules (for example on autism), with core modules on broader issues in education. The dissertation also offers the opportunity to research a specific SEND-related area of interest.

Teaching on the BA programme is in relatively small groups, enabling students to actively engage in sessions, and to benefit from a supportive context. Members of the Lifelong Learning Centre staff team are dedicated to helping students with all aspects of their progress to make the most of their time at the University.

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules

LLLC3945An Introduction to Autism20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
LLLC3952Researching the Learning and Teaching Sector20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
LLLC3987Contemporary Issues and Debates20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Optional modules:

Candidates will be required to study 0-20 credits of optional modules

LLLC3966Who do you think you are? Exploring Learning Identities20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
LLLC3976Playful Learning: using game philosophy to develop new approaches to learning and teaching20 creditsNot running in 202324

Discovery modules:

Candidates may study 0-20 credits of discovery modules.

Year2 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

LLLC3969Dissertation40 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Last updated: 22/05/2023 14:28:41


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