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2021/22 Taught Postgraduate Programme Catalogue

MA Electronic and Computer Music (not recruiting in 202223)

Programme code:MA-MU/ECMUCAS code:
Duration:12 Months Method of Attendance: Full Time
Programme manager:Dr James Mooney Contact

Total credits: 180

Entry requirements:

Candidates should normally possess a good first degree (equivalent to 2:1 or above) in any subject, but applications from candidates with a background in music in addition to other subjects are encouraged. Alternative qualifications or relevant professional experience may be considered in lieu of a first degree. All applicants to the programme should be able to demonstrate an understanding of terminology and theoretical concepts relevant to electronic and computer music within their application, and at the point of interview.

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:


Examination board through which the programme will be considered:


Programme specification:

The programme will provide students with the opportunity to study music at an advanced level and focus their practice-based or musicological studies upon areas of electronic and computer music. The School of Music's staff have international research profiles in related fields of electroacoustic music composition, applied music technology, computer music performance, musicology of electronic music, and musical applications of computer science. The programme is greatly advantaged by the exceptional music and cultural life in the City of Leeds and its environs, which includes a thriving experimental music scene and various festivals of new music within easy travelling distance. The University also has a rich music life and the School runs its own concert series throughout the academic year, including performances of electronic and computer music. Teaching is supported by excellent facilities including a concert hall, rehearsal spaces, recording studios, an electronic music studio with surround sound, and a computer cluster with specialist software for sound synthesis, computer music composition, audio editing, signal processing and audiovisual interaction. The School of Music also houses an extensive collection of microphones and sound recording equipment, a significant collection of analogue and digital synthesizers, and a large sound diffusion system for multi-channel spatialisation.

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Students must study 180 credits comprising a mix of compulsory and optional modules adding up to 180 credits.

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following modules::

MUSS5632MElectronic & Computer Music Practice30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MUSS5633MElectronic & Computer Music Contexts30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MUSS5634MElectronic and Computer Music Case Studies30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Optional modules:

Candidates are required to study one of the following modules:

MUSS5162MDissertation60 credits1 Oct to 30 Sep (12mth)
MUSS5661MElectronic & Computer Music Portfolio60 credits1 Jan to 30 Sep

Candidates will normally study 30 credits from the following optional modules:

MUSS5130MIssues in Musicology30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MUSS5132MShort Dissertation30 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
MUSS5133MShort Dissertation30 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan), 1 Mar to 30 Sep
MUSS5134MIndividual Project30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan), Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun), Semester 2 (Jan to Jun)
MUSS5135MApplied Research Methodologies30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MUSS5231MComposition Studies30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MUSS5330MInstrumental or Vocal Recital30 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan), Semester 2 (Jan to Jun)
MUSS5337MApplied Performance Studies30 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
MUSS5535MAesthetic Theory30 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
MUSS5833MThe Recording Industry Now30 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
MUSS5931MCase Studies in the Applied Psychology of Music30 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Elective modules:

Candidates may (after consultation with their Programme Leader) take up to 30 credits of Discovery modules. These will normally be either level 3 or M-level; students must pass a minimum of 135 credits at M-level in order to be awarded a Masters qualification.

Last updated: 26/10/2021 16:36:43


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