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2024/25 Undergraduate Programme Catalogue

MEng, BEng Civil and Structural Engineering (For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Programme code:MEBECIV/SE-RUCAS code:H200
Duration:4 Years Method of Attendance: Full Time
Programme manager:Mohsen Besharat Contact

Total credits: 480

Entry requirements:

Entry Requirements are available on the Course Search entry

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

School of Civil Engineering

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:


Professional Body Offering Accreditation:

Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) on behalf of the Engineering Council

Programme specification:

The information on this page is accurate for students entering the programme from September 2024. For students who entered the programme before September 2024, you can find the details of your programme: MEng, BEng Civil and Structural Engineering

1. Overview
Civil and structural engineering play a crucial role in shaping the built environment, encompassing a wide range of subjects such as roads, bridges, buildings, and the infrastructure for the supply of water and power. Our accredited civil and structural programmes are designed to provide students with a comprehensive education fully aligned with the requirements of the relevant professional institutions. Civil and structural engineers work on projects that combine skills and knowledge to deliver solutions, so there is a strong emphasis on project work throughout the degree. These programmes cover all major aspects of the discipline, with an emphasis on addressing global challenges and equipping students with the necessary skills to contribute meaningfully to solving these challenges.

Through engagement with a variety of real engineering problems our programmes promote and support an interdisciplinary approach. This enables graduates to collaborate effectively with professionals from other disciplines. Teaching and assessment are underpinned by the latest educational research, with a strong focus on project-based learning as exemplified by our Integrated Design Projects (IDPs). These projects take place in every year of these programmes and focus on designing real engineering solutions in collaboration with stakeholders, industry experts and other practitioners. They provide an excellent place for students to put into practice what they learn in other modules.

Students have access to excellent laboratory facilities, collaborative spaces and design studios. Our comprehensive computing equipment and library facilities provide access to all necessary resources as well as industry-standard software.

Qualified civil and structural engineers are in high demand. Upon graduation, students have plenty of opportunities to pursue exciting roles in the construction sector, international consultancies, local authorities, government departments, utility companies, and environmental organizations in both the UK and internationally. The skills and knowledge of our graduates allow them to contribute to projects that shape the world and make a positive impact on society.

2. Content and Structure [MEng BEng]
Our Integrated Masters programme in civil and structural engineering covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: Sustainability, Surveying, Construction Technology, Structural Analysis and Design, Properties of Materials, Engineering Mathematics, Water Engineering, Sustainable Engineering Solutions, Geotechnics, Highways Engineering, Wastewater Engineering, Environmental Health in Developing Countries, Circular Economy and Resource Recovery. We have a distinctive curriculum that has been reviewed in line with the ambitious Curriculum Redefined project, which aims to offer an enriching learning experience for all our students.

The first year of the programme focuses on fundamental engineering science, offering student opportunities to apply their knowledge in various contexts. This first year is common across all undergraduate civil engineering programmes to provide students with maximum flexibility. In the second year, students pursue a more specialised approach in their area of interest. In the third year, students engage in a research project in an area of their choice. Students enrolled in the integrated MEng BEng programme continue their studies into a fourth year and undertake a significant piece of independent research work which culminates in the submission of a dissertation. This extended period of study aims to enhance both th e breadth and depth of their knowledge while further developing their skills.

3. Study Abroad/Work Placement/Work Based Learning [MEng BEng]
Students on the Integrated Within the four-year MEng, BEng degree programme students have the exciting option to dedicate spend a year to studying abroad. This optional study abroad year does not lengthen extend the duration of your study; rather, it entails completing a year at one of the universities participating in our international partner programme. Studying abroad offers the opportunity to explore distant horizons while acquiring invaluable skills and experiences that can significantly strengthen employability and career prospects.
An industrial placement is another fantastic opportunity. Students can gain experience, refine their skills and obtain a fuller understanding of the day-to-day work environment within a specific company or industry sector. Opting for a one-year industrial placement will extend the duration of your degree by an additional 12 months. Upon successful completion of this placement, you'll receive an 'industrial' designation in your degree title.

4. Distinctive Elements of Programme
· Students undertake an Integrated Design Project at each level of their degree, putting into practice what they learn in other modules.
· The programme develops a research-based learning approach, promoting both collaborative and independent learning from the start. This incorporates staff research and industrial expertise to enable students to explore new issues and find solutions.
· The programme enables graduates to address global challenges by embracing new concepts and technologies, and through acquiring essential transferable skills.

5. PRSB Accreditation
Accreditation is the assurance that a university course meets the quality standards established by the profession for which it prepares its students. This course is professionally accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) on behalf of the Engineering Council. The JBM represents the five main professional bodies in the UK registering Civil Engineers, including the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), the Permanent Way Institution (PWI), Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), and The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT). The BEng degree is accredited as fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer (IEng), and partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), while the integrated master's degree (MEng, BEng) is accredited as fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Our programmes are EUR-ACE labelled, which means they also meet the framework standards and guidelines of EUR-ACE, and that the accreditation is recognised by the member states of the European Higher Education Area.

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules

CIVE1165Architecture and Sustainability20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE1265Surveying, Construction Technology and Management20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE1365Structural Analysis and Design20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE1465Materials, Water and Soils20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE1560Engineering Mathematics and Modelling 120 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE1665Integrated Design Project 1 (inc Design Studio 1)20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Year2 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

We are currently refreshing our courses to make sure students have the best possible experience. Full module details for years 2 and 3 are not yet available. Before you enter years 2 and 3 details of modules for those years will be provided.

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules

- CIVE2780: Structural Design and Materials 1 (40 Credits) (Semester 1 and 2)

CIVE2470Water Engineering and Geotechnics20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE2560Engineering Mathematics and Modelling 220 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE2660Integrated Design Project 220 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Optional modules:

Candidates will be required to study 20 credits from the following optional modules:

- Data and Research Methods for Engineers (10 Credits)

CIVE2081Transport Planning and Modelling 110 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE2250Sustainable Engineering Solutions10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE2260Architectural History and Theory 210 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE2550Highway Engineering10 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE2815Building Physics 1: Fundamental Principles10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Year3 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

We are currently refreshing our courses to make sure students have the best possible experience. Full module details for year 3 are not yet available. Before you enter year 3 full details of modules for that year will be provided.

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules

- CIVE3470: Water Engineering and Geotechnics 2 (20 Credits) (Semester 1 and 2)
- CIVE3660: Integrated Design Project 3 (40 Credits) (Semester 1 and 2)
- CIVE3780: Structural Design and Materials 2 (20 Credits) (Semester 1 and 2)

CIVE3750Individual Research Project 120 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Optional modules:

Candidates will be required to study 20 credits from the following optional modules: Students can select no more than 10 optional credits in semester 2.

CIVE3081Transport Planning and Modelling 210 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE3270Architectural History and Theory 310 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE3420Wastewater Engineering10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE3460Environmental Health Engineering in Developing Countries10 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE3555Highway Engineering 210 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE3650Computational Methods for Civil Engineering10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE3820Building Physics 2: Services Design10 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SOEE3135Engineering Geology10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Year4 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

We are currently refreshing our courses to make sure students have the best possible experience. Full module details for year 4 are not yet available. Before you enter year 4 full details of modules for that year will be provided.

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules

CIVE5755MIndividual Research Project 245 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
CIVE5851MIntegrated Design Project 430 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Optional modules:

Candidates will be required to study 30 credits (2 modules) from the following optional modules:

CIVE5145MAdvanced Steel and Composite Design15 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE5320MWater Supply15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE5670MGeotechnical Engineering15 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
CIVE5960MAdvanced Structural Analysis15 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Candidates will be required to study 15 credits (1 module) from the following optional modules:

CIVE5013MDesign and Management of Structures in Earthquake Zones15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE5025MAdvanced Concrete Design - MEng15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE5026MDeterioration and Maintenance of Concrete Structures (MEng)15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE5315MWater Resource Management15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
CIVE5595MEngineering in Emergencies - MEng15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Last updated: 03/07/2024 10:15:36


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