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2021/22 Undergraduate Programme Catalogue

BA Education (Industrial)

Programme code:BA-EDUC4UCAS code:
Duration:4 Years Method of Attendance: Full Time
Programme manager:Dr Michael Inglis and Dr Lucy Taylor Contact or

Total credits: 480

Entry requirements:

Typically 'A' levels grade ABB or equivalent (not including General Studies)
BTEC grade DDM (distinction, distinction, merit)
CACHE Diploma A
A validated Access Course certificate
Entry through the University of Leeds mature entry scheme, or equivalent
IELTS: 6.5

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

School of Education

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

School of Education

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:

Programme specification:


Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Students are required to study and pass the following compulsory modules:

EDUC1003The Practice of Educating20 creditsNot running until 202223
EDUC1010Theory of Education 1  credits 
EDUC1014Becoming a Practitioner of Learning20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC1210Diverse Contexts of Learning20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC1213Contemporary Issues and Debates in Education - Level 120 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Optional modules:

Students are required to study 20 credits from the following optional modules:

EDUC1040Second Language Acquisition and Learning20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
EDUC1207Children's Rights and Social Justice20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
EDUC1604Building a Career from Education Studies20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Discovery modules:

Students may choose to study up to 20 credits of discovery modules.

Please note that if you choose a discovery module, your optional module becomes compulsory and must be passed.

Year2 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

You are required to study and pass the following compulsory modules:

EDUC2000Contemporary Issues and Debates in Education 220 creditsNot running until 202425
EDUC2004Research Methods20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
EDUC2101International Perspectives of Pedagogy and Practice20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC2401Inclusive Education20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Optional modules:

Students are required to study 20 to 40 credits from the following optional modules. A maximum of 20 credits can be selected from each basket

Basket 1:

EDUC2006Issues in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education  creditsNot running until 202324
EDUC2080The Practice of English Language Teaching20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
LLLC2228Using Stories to Develop Learning20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Basket 2:

EDUC2007Teaching and Learning in Primary and Early Years  creditsNot running until 202324
EDUC2008Outdoor and Experiential Learning20 creditsNot running until 202425
SLSP2933Sociology and the Climate Crisis20 creditsNot running until 202425

Discovery modules:

Students can study a maximum of 20 credits of discovery modules in place of one of the optional modules

Year3 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Students are required to study and pass the following compulsory module:

CSER8000Work Placement Year120 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Year4 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Students are required to study and pass the following compulsory modules:

EDUC3016Educational Futures: Challenges and Possibilities  creditsNot running until 202526
EDUC3810Final Year Research Project40 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Optional modules:

Students are required to study and pass at least 60 credits from the following optional module. You may decide to study up to 80 credits from the list below:

EDUC3015Children's Literature in Education20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
EDUC3040Critical Debates in Childhood and Youth: Research20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
EDUC3042Supporting Learning in Children with Additional Needs20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
EDUC3060Mathematics Education10 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC3061Technology-enhanced language learning20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC3807Students Into Education 220 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
EDUC3903Children, Families and Cultural Diversity: Philosophical Perspectives20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Discovery modules:

Students may choose to study up to 20 credits of discovery modules.

Please note that if you choose a discovery module, your optional modules become compulsory and must be passed.

Last updated: 09/07/2021 10:19:49


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