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2023/24 Undergraduate Programme Catalogue

BA English and Sociology

Programme code:BA-ENGL&SOCIUCAS code:QL33
Duration:3 Years Method of Attendance: Full Time
Programme manager:Professor Robert Jones Contact

Total credits: 360

Entry requirements:

A-level: AAB including A in English (English Language, English Literature or English Language and Literature).

GCSE: Grade 4/C in Mathematics.

International Baccalaureate: 35 points overall, including 16 at Higher Level, a minimum of 6 in English at Higher Level, and a minimum of 5 in Mathematics at Standard Level.

Applications welcome from mature students with Access qualifications and from students with international or other non-A-level qualifications.

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

School of English

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

School of English

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:

English Studies:


Programme specification:

The information on this page is accurate for students entering the programme in 2022/2023 or before. For students entering the programme from September 2023 or after, you can find the details of your programme: BA English and Sociology(For students entering from September 2023 onwards)

A joint honours degree allows you to study the same core topics as students on each single honours course, but you’ll take fewer optional and discovery modules so you can fit in both subjects.

In your first year, you’ll take introductory modules covering the key concepts and approaches in sociology, as well as choosing to explore poetry, drama or prose. This allows you to build a good knowledge base on which you can build in the following two years.

You’ll choose from modules covering the full range of English literature we teach, from medieval right through to contemporary fiction, as well as optional modules on everything from children’s literature to post-Apartheid narratives and the politics of language. At the same time, you’ll select from a range of modules in major topics in sociology such as gender, racism and crime.

Throughout your studies you’ll develop analytical and research skills that allow you to form your own conclusions from the information you find. In your final year, you’ll get the chance to apply them to an independently researched dissertation in either subject.

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Level 1: Students will take 40 credits of core English modules and 40 credits of core Sociology modules.

ENGL1055Writing Matters20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL1065Reading Between the Lines20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP1201Making Sense of Society: Reading Social Theory20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP1213Formations of Coloniality and Modernity20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Optional modules:

Level 1 candidates may also choose up to 40 credits from the following optional modules.

ENGL1070Drama: Text and Performance20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL1221Modern Fictions in English: Conflict, Liminality, Translation20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL1261Poetry: Reading and Interpretation20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL1855Race, Writing and Decolonization20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP1161Exploring the City: Local and Global Contexts20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP1171Understanding and Researching Contemporary Society20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP1191Identities and Inequalities20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Discovery modules:

Level 1 students may take up to 40 credits of Discovery modules in place of two of the option modules.

Year2 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

At Level 2, candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules:

ENGL2030Writing Environments: Literature, Nature, Culture20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL2045Body Language: Literature and Embodiment20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2010Sociology and Social Policy Research Methods20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
SLSP2730Central Problems in Sociology20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)

Optional modules:

Level 2 candidates may also select at least one option module from the following baskets:

Basket 1:

SLSP2020Crime, Law and Regulation20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP2040Disability Studies: An Introduction20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP2180The Sociology of Culture20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
THEO2251Sociology of Religion20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Basket 2:

FOSS2001State of Emergency: Social science and the COVID-19 pandemic20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2051Gender and Society20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2145Crime, Race and Ethnicity20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2150Debates in Childhood and Youth20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2932Sociology and the Climate Crisis20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP2975Social and Public Policy beyond the University20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Basket 3:

ENGL2029Renaissance Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL2085Medieval and Tudor Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Basket 4:

ENGL2065Postcolonial Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL2090Modern Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Basket 5:

ENGL2095Other Voices: Rethinking Nineteenth-Century Literature20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL2096The World Before Us: Literature 1660–183020 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Basket 6:

ENGL2055American Words, American Worlds20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL2080Contemporary Literature20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)

Discovery modules:

L2 students may take 20 credits of the following Discovery modules in place of one of the Basket modules:

FOAH2020Towards the Future: Skills in Context20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
HIST2240Hands on Heritage20 creditsNot running in 202324
HIST2260Digital Methods for History, Art and Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Year3 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Students must take 120 credits in Level 3 and must take a Final Year Project in English, a Textual Editing Project or Sociology Dissertation.

Over levels 2 and 3 combined, students must take:
1. English - a minimum of 80 credits (at least 40 credits must be at Level 3)
2. Sociology - a minimum of 80 credits (at least 40 credits must be at Level 3)
3. At least 100 credits at Level 2
4. At least 100 credits at Level 3.

Additionally, students must take:
5. a further 40 credits in the named subjects (i.e. in English, Sociology, or a combination of both).
6. a further 40 credits in either the named subjects (English or Sociology) or in Discovery modules (i.e. outside the named subjects).

In order to be eligible for an honours degree, students must:
- meet the Rules for Award
- pass all modules which are designated 'pass for progression'
- pass the required number of credits at each level (a minimum of 100 credits at each Levels 1, 2 & 3) as specified in the Curricular Regulations.

Compulsory modules:

Optional modules:

Students must take one of the following Final Year Projects.

Students wishing to take the SLSP3061 Sociology Dissertation must also take the new SLP3095 Dissertation Preparation module in semester 1.

ENGL3005Textual Editing Project40 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
ENGL3041Final Year Project40 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
SLSP3041Sociology Dissertation40 creditsSemesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun)
SLSP3095Research Skills for your Dissertation
Pre-requisite for: SLSP3061
20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Please note that modules which run over both semesters 1 and 2 will have the credits divided equally between the two semesters.

Candidates are required to study at least 40 credits of English OPTION modules and can also opt to study further English OPTION modules if they wish in accordance with the programme requirements for Level 3:

1. English - a minimum of 40 credits
2. Sociology - a minimum of 40 credits
3. No more than 70 credits in one semester

ENGL3004The Writings of Graham Greene20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3024Modern Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3025Postcolonial Literature20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3026Contemporary Literature20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3027Shakespeare20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3031Sex and Suffering in the Eighteenth-Century Novel20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3032Tragedy: Classical to Neo-Classical20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3034Romantic Lyric Poetry20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3035Current Practice in Creative Writing20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3208Arthurian Legend: Chivalry and Violence20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL32111Gender, Culture and Politics: Readings of Jane Austen20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL32153Refugee Narratives20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL32154Prose Fiction Stylistics and the Mind20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL32155Crime Fiction Stylistics: Crossing Languages, Cultures, Media20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL32169Contemporary South African Writing20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3268Transformations20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL32980African Literature20 creditsNot running in 202324
ENGL3314Imagining Posthuman Futures20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3321Angry Young Men and Women: Literature of the Mid-Twentieth Century20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3365Theatricalities: Beckett, Pinter, Kane20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
ENGL3391September 11 in Fact and Fiction20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3394Bowie, Reading, Writing20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3396Fictions of the End: Apocalypse and After20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3402Home Bodies: Domestic Animals in Contemporary Literature20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3410Modernist Sexualities20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
ENGL3680Postcolonial London20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Candidates may study further credits in Sociology from the list below in accordance with the programme requirements for Level 3:

1. English - a minimum of 40 credits
2. Sociology - a minimum of 40 credits
3. No more than 70 credits in one semester

Please note that modules which run over both semesters 1 & 2 will have the credits divided equally between the two semesters.

FOSS3001State of Emergency: Social science and the COVID-19 pandemic20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP3065Quantitative Social Research20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP3075Disability and Development20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP3211State Crime and Immorality20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP3220Contemporary Children, Young People and Families20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
SLSP3230Global Terrorism and Violence20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP3242The Social Life of Data20 creditsNot running in 202324
SLSP3500Gender, Technologies and the Body20 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun)
SLSP3930Sociology of Consumerism20 creditsNot running in 202324
SLSP3961Protest and Social Movements20 creditsNot running in 202324
SLSP3995Ethnicity and Popular Culture20 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)

Candidates may study further credits in Sociology from the list below in accordance with the programme requirements for Level 3:

1. English - a minimum of 40 credits
2. Sociology - a minimum of 40 credits
3. No more than 70 credits in one semester

Please note that modules which run over both semesters 1 & 2 will have the credits divided equally between the two semesters.

Discovery modules:

Candidates may choose to study up to 40 credits of Discovery modules over both Level 2 and 3 or pursue additional modules in the two named subjects.

Last updated: 12/01/2024 15:07:35


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