Module and Programme Catalogue

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BA East Asian Studies

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

1. You will gain skills to critically evaluate and synthesise information from diverse sources focused on specific areas like culture, history, politics, or society.
2: You will refine your academic communication skills with a distinct emphasis on East Asian Studies, and present your work effectively to an academic audience, for example through written reports, essays, or oral presentations, adapting your communication style to reflect different academic contexts and requirements.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. You will cultivate the ability to critically analyse and evaluate cultural topics, within East Asian societies, recognising and scrutinising multiple perspectives and nuances within a given culture.
2. You will attain a broader understanding of the global implications of East Asian culture, society, and politics, enabling you to view the topics you study within a regional and global context.
3. You will engage in reflective thinking, assessing your own cultural experiences and impressions, and integrating these reflections into your academic discussions and analyses.
4. You will learn how to receive and provide constructive feedback within academic communities, contributing to your overall engagement and improvement.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include essays, commentaries, portfolio, individual and group presentations, group research projects, oral assignments, and exams.


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