BA English Language and Linguistics
Year 3
(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)
Learning outcomes
By the end of Level 3, students will be able to:1. demonstrate a coherent and detailed understanding of key terms and concepts associated multiple areas of English language and linguistics2. apply critically the key terms and concepts in the study of the English language and linguistics3. demonstrate an advanced understanding of the historical, social, political and cultural contexts of the English language 4. critically evaluate specific approaches to the study of language, demonstrating an understanding of the role of empirical evidence in theoretical debates5. undertake extended, detailed independent research and apply an advanced understanding of concepts and methodologies in either discipline to their own viewsSkills Learning OutcomesBy the end of Level 3, students will be able to:1. plan and carry out a thorough linguistic analysis of selected written and/or spoken data2. demonstrate a thorough command of selected formal, qualitative and/or quantitative methods of linguistic analysis, and apply selected methods to unfamiliar data or theoretical issues3. show an advanced command of specific techniques for analysing language data4. address ethical and methodological issues involved in collecting and analysing data5. independently summarize and synthesize complex ideas 6. present an extended coherent argument in an appropriate written or oral style, based on a substantial amount of independent research, with limited guidance 7. independently apply conventions of acknowledging and referencing source material8. communicate ideas, problems and solutions, showing an awareness of both the possibilities presented by different media, and the importance of purposes and audience to the design of communication.
Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme. These will include a compulsory dissertation and may include essays, exams, analysis tasks, group presentations, research proposals, and research projects. These will give students opportunities to develop key skills such as critical thinking, advanced problem solving, the ability to analyse authentic language data, the ability to synthesise information from multiple sources and critically evaluate current theoretical debates and criticise received opinion, producing work that shows some evidence of independent thought.