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BA International Relations with Quantitative Research Methods (Industrial)

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

At the end of L1 you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a familiarity with the basic concepts of International Relations, and some of the main theoretical approaches to its study.
2. Demonstrate awareness of the key international actors, the origins and evolution of the international political system, including international institutions and contemporary changes underway.
3. Demonstrate awareness of some of the main debates within the study of International Relations.
4. Be able to rehearse basic arguments and evaluations of the main debates within the study of International Relations.

Skills Learning Outcomes
At the end of L1 you will be able to:

1. Retrieve, organise, and produce basic summaries of information and/or data.
2. Assemble basic arguments and be able to evaluate the arguments of others.
3. Work with others in a collaborative manner.
4. Demonstrate some of the skills necessary for employment related to the field of International Relations.
5. Have a basic understanding of digital technologies and be able to use them to retrieve data and information and to communicate this information to others.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include: (1) demonstrating the knowledge and application of standard themes, concepts, and theories relating to International Development; and (2) demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies in a variety formats. These formats may include: essays, reports, learning logs, blogs, literature reviews, presentations, poster-presentations, and podcasts. Assessment will be both formative and summative, and will be supported with feedback.


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