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BA Modern Languages and History (French)

Year 3

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year students should have provided evidence of being able to:

Research Skills:
- Identify potential sources of primary and secondary material of value to a future research project
- Present a structured proposal for a future project, identifying research questions to be addressed, methods through wاich to address them and the kinds of data or other material that would be needed
- Demonstrate a nuanced, critical approach to the topic of a future project which is sensitive to contextual factors in the country of residence
- Take into account ethical considerations that might be specific to treating the topic of a future research project in the context of the country of residence

Language Skills and Intercultural Awareness:
- Consolidate skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing
- Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the vocabulary, grammar and registers of the target language, sensitive to regional variation
- Build on the experience of cultural immersion in another country to gain insights into the ways in which cultures interact
- Adapt to living and working or studying in another country

Subject Knowledge:
- Relate general background knowledge about societies in which the target language is spoken to lived experience
- Pursue specific interests in the cultural and social life of the country of residence
- Gain insight into live debates pertaining to social and cultural issues as perceived in the country of residence

Transferable (key) skills

Students will have had the opportunity to acquire, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:

- Oral, written and practical skills in the target language
- The organisation of life and study in a foreign country
- Interpersonal skills required to operate in a foreign society
- The ability to appreciate their strengths and weaknesses as learners
- Skills necessary for the communication of information
- Skills necessary for the exercising of personal responsibility and decision making
- Lifelong learning skills such as time management, group working, communication, planning and leadership


Achievement will be assessed (on a Pass/Fail basis) by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes specified for the residence abroad year and will be in line with assessment of the residence abroad year for all other language programmes. This will include:

- Language tasks as specified in the module description and as directed by the Residence Abroad tutor
- Submission of a written report demonstrating that the learning outcomes for the year have been met in terms of personal, profession and academic development and the ability to reflect critically on the value of the experience In these areas


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