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BA Politics (International)Year 4 Placement (Only available to students who started their programme before 2022/23)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:
- demonstrate in-depth grasp of specialist aspects of political systems/processes and/or specialist topics in political theory
- apply recognised theories/approaches/methodologies within the discipline of political analysis within an extended research project
- develop and complete an extended research project which analyses a particular areas.
- use theories and concepts to critically appraise specialist aspects of political systems/processes or key conceptual debates within political analysis (or cognate disciplines where appropriate)
- present structured and well-researched evaluation of specialist debates within the discipline of political analysis
- generate and support one's own interpretations of specialist within political analysis and cognate disciplines where appropriate

Transferable (key) skills

Students will have had the opportunity to acquire, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:
- conduct independent research work within the discipline
- ability to critically evaluate in-depth debates
- ability to utilise a range of information sources towards producing appraisal and evaluation
- ability to work in independent yet guided way


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:
- dissertation
- oral assessment
- written reports and log books
- assessed essays
- examinations

These will demonstrate the ability to:
- use the scholarly literature
- analyse and evaluate arguments
- show self-discipline and self-direction
- conduct independent work


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