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BA Learning and Teaching (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Year 5

Learning outcomes

On completion of Level 3 of the programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:

- LO1 Demonstrate advanced skills and competences and a reflective approach in a professional teaching or learning support role

- LO2 Evaluate the design and delivery of the curriculum and of the rationale and techniques for assessment used in learning settings

- LO3 Explore and analyse the wider social, political and economic contexts within which learning occurs

- LO4 Critically analyse and apply relevant concepts, knowledge, practical skills and methods of enquiry in teaching and learning research and in a work context;

- LO5 Skilfully communicate information, arguments, evaluation and analysis in a variety of complex forms

- LO6 Meet appropriate professional standards where relevant

- LO7 Critically analyse and evaluate educational processes and practices

Professional Skills

- Lead on the planning & development of learning activities

- Demonstrate good practice in supporting and including all learners

- Monitor learner progress & provide differentiated feedback using a range of assessment techniques

- Lead the selection, preparation & differentiation of suitable learning resources

- Identify strategies to ensure acknowledgement of diversity & provision of equity

- Demonstrate collaborative & co-operative working with colleagues

- Demonstrate continuing professional development & evaluation of practice

- Make effective use of Standard English and modelling grammar, punctuation and spelling in learning materials and resources (reasonable adjustments will be applied to this)

Ethics and Responsibility: you will come to understand the ethics of academic enquiry and engage with ethical issues arising from your discipline;

Global and cultural insight: you will engage with ideas and understanding in a global context and be encouraged to recognise the significance of our rich and varied heritage of perspectives and cultures;

Employability: throughout your studies you will have opportunity to develop skills and knowledge that build you capacity for career development

Transferable (key) skills

You will have the opportunity to develop your creative skills (for example, in developing stories for learners or learning resources), your digital skills (for example, through the development of interactive online learning resources or training packages), your research skills (through two research focused modules and your final year project) and your employability skills (in all modules), both for the educational sector and beyond


The course is assessed entirely through coursework assignments, with a wide range of assessment types which are authentic and relevant to work in the sector, for example, planning and delivering a microteach session to peers on a topic of your choice or developing a scheme of work for a group of learners you are familiar with. Students are provided with opportunities to focus on topics of interest in assessments; for example, to choose an area of SEND and deliver a short presentation on this to peers, and there is scope to negotiate assessment titles with module tutors on some modules.

You are also encouraged to draw and reflect on your own experiences of learning and supporting learning to explore and analyse how theories of learning and teaching and published research can be applied to real life contexts.


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