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BA Graphic and Communication Design

Year 3

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1) Devise a range of ideas in response to creative and critical graphic and communication design challenges.
2) Design communication and graphic design outcomes in response to a brief using skills and knowledge to push disciplinary boundaries.
3) Justify concepts, arguments, and outcomes in a variety of forms informed by graphic and communication design theory and practice.
4) Propose and evaluate research for independent areas of interest in graphic and communication design.

Skills Learning Outcomes

1) Apply effective written/visual/other communication skills to present a coherent and sustained argument.
2) Demonstrate high level critical analysis skills.
3) Contribute to contemporary discourses by incorporating ethically aware and globally diverse perspectives in projects.


Students will be assessed through a variety of methods. These may include visual 2D and 3D responses, portfolios of text and image, blogs, short videos, presentations as well as more traditional essays, reports and occasional exams. Some assessments may be based upon collaboration with peers. This collaboration could be in the development of artefacts, proposals and/or various forms of visual and textual communication in response to problem-based issues.

In the final year study becomes more self-directed with forms of assessment often being negotiated and agreed with tutors


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