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BA Thai Studies

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

1.Basic Language Proficiency in Thai Studies: You will acquire a foundational understanding of spoken and written Thai, including being able to recognise and use all Thai consonants, vowels and diphthongs, the system for identifying intonation, Thai pronunciation, basic grammar, and vocabulary, enabling an elementary level comprehension of Thai, including basic dialogues and instructions, and expression of basic ideas and needs in writing and in conversation.
2.Cultural Awareness in Thai Studies: You will develop an introductory understanding of essential aspects of Thai culture, traditions, and social customs, enabling you to engage respectfully in Thai cultural contexts.
3.Foundational Knowledge in Thai Studies: You will develop a foundational understanding of historical and contemporary events enabling you to critically examine and situate them within the cultural, political, and societal contexts of the region or topic under study.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1.Language Learning Strategies: You will gain knowledge of effective language learning techniques and study habits, including learning to use language-learning software and digital resources.
2.Study Skills: You will acquire study skills that extend beyond language proficiency, including time management, organisation, group work and effective use of academic resources.
3.Scholarly Discourse: You will gain knowledge of the conventions and norms of scholarly discourse within Thai studies, including appropriate terminology, citation styles, and formatting.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:
- regular written, oral and aural tests during the course of the year to ascertain students’ level of progress with: the Thai script; the Thai intonation system; Thai reading and writing ability; Thai vocabulary development and use; Thai grammar and syntax; the Thai context;
- continuous assessment, essays and end-of-semester examinations in both Thai language and in students' disciplinary modules.


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