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BA Film, Photography and Media ((For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this level, students will be able to:
• Describe the basic concepts and techniques which are standard features of film, photography and media.
• Apply a range of core academic skills including research, essay writing, presentation and creative writing.
• Interpret and evaluate principles of film, photography and media.
• Present basic academic study and / or basic creative practical work, in film or photography or media in a structured, coherent and cohesive form.
• Explain the nature of practice in the historical and contemporary context of institutional traditions and/or creative constraints within the film, photographic and media industries.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Self management skills - The ability to plan time, prioritise tasks and organise academic and personal commitments effectively
2. Communication skills - The ability to write in a clear, concise, focused and structured manner that is supported by relevant academic evidence in the field of film, photography and media.
3. Technical Skills - The ability to make creative use of media technologies, including camera equipment, to a basic level.


Assessment is aligned to the learning outcomes of each module, so students will be assessed through a variety of methods dependent on the module and the level of the programme. At level 1, these may include portfolios of research, essays, photography portfolios, reflective pieces, audio-visual outputs and exams.


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