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BA Sustainable Fashion(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate familiarity with the theories, concepts, and practical techniques relevant to studying sustainability as applied to fashion.
2. Identify environmental and ethical issues associated with the fashion industry.
3. Express an understanding of the dynamics of the fashion system and the interconnected relationships between consumption, production and business of fashion.
4. Apply skills and knowledge to develop outcomes for sustainable fashion in response to project briefs.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Apply effective written/visual/other communication skills to present ideas.
2. Develop qualitative and quantitative research skills.
3. Reflect critically on the strengths and weaknesses of their own work.


Assessment is aligned to the learning outcomes of each module, so students will be assessed through a variety of methods dependent on the module and the level of the programme. These may include visual and creative responses such as portfolios of research, design development, experimental samples and final designs or artefacts; or text and image, blogs, short videos, presentations, and more traditional formats such as essays, reports and occasional exams. In year 1 assessments focus on the student’s understanding and acquisition of new knowledge and practical, digital, academic and professional skills.


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