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BA Environment and Business(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the year, students will be able to:
1. Apply key theoretical concepts to the analysis of an organisations environmental and social sustainability, and identify relevant tools to improve practice.
2. Explain the relationship between economic activities and the environment, and describe economic policy tools that may be used to address environmental and social problems.
3. Design and implement projects to collect environmental and social data, analyse quantitative and qualitative data, and synthesise findings to generate insights and potential strategies for sustainability problems.

Skills Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the year, students will be able to:
1. Critically analyse and solve problems in novel situations or contexts. Gather information from a variety of sources, analyse and interpret data, consider different perspectives, and critically evaluate different potential intervention strategies.
2. Communicate clearly and concisely in both written and oral form, in styles suited to particular audiences.
3. Effectively work in a team to produce project work, managing interpersonal relationships and team communication (understanding and respecting the needs and opinions of others, dealing with conflict, working towards common goals).
4. Manage their personal and professional development, with an awareness of their own strengths and development needs, the ability to set development goals and work proactively towards them.
5. Use appropriate digital tools for collaboration and communication (for example to collect, organise and share information in a team, and to create documents and visualisations for effective communication).


Assessment in this year goes beyond the demonstration of knowledge and understanding assessed in first year to applying concepts and theories to new situations. Assessment tasks challenge students to evaluate particular case studies or strategies, identifying relevant concepts and connections between them, and formulate a position, decision or recommendation. Assessments are also used to develop core professional skills such as communicating to different audiences and collaborating effectively in teams.


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