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BA Italian(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

By the end of Year 2, you will be able to:
1. Identify and use language structures and registers of Italian to a B2 Level of the CEFR
2. Communicate effectively and appropriately in Italian on a range of topics with a reasonable degree of grammatical accuracy.
3. Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and respond appropriately in social contexts in which Italian is used.
4. Identify specific aspects of art, film and literature, as well as of social and historical issues pertaining to Italian culture and locate them within this broader background.
5. Contextualize extracts of texts (film, literature, and media) and provide an in-depth analysis of both the content and the expressive form.
6. Undertake comparative and critical analysis of cultures and societies.

Skills Learning Outcomes
By the end of Year 2, you will be able to:
1. Self-select or develop your own research questions and identify appropriate methods through which to address these.
2. Present a structured and nuanced argument, and communicate using terminology and concepts appropriate to the field(s) of study both in written and oral form
3. Identify and locate primary and secondary sources pertinent to the questions being addressed and critically evaluate their respective contributions
4. Make connections across differing perspectives in order to explore ideas, identify problems and provide solutions
5. Use a wider range of resources and techniques to undertake your research to include digital tools and resources
6. Meet deadlines effectively
7. Work effectively as part of a team


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme. These may include essays, commentaries, portfolio, individual and group presentations, close readings, text comparisons, creating writing assignments, podcasts, and exams.


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