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BA Modern Languages and Film Studies (Arabic)(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 4

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of Level 3, you will be able to

1. Understand and communicate complex events and ideas drawn from everyday and specialised domains in the target language (in written and oral forms), and fully participate in everyday conversations and technical discussions

2. Recognise, analyse, and evaluate basic and advanced communicative resources of the target language: vocabulary, grammar, and script (if relevant)

3. Appraise and question the social norms and cultural values that frame the societies in which the target language is spoken

4. Develop an in-depth knowledge of the history, culture, and society of the countries where the target language is spoken

5. Apply creatively and independently the strategies to analyse and contextualise from the target culture conveyed in written and audio-visual formats (books, films, digital media content)

6. Develop the ability to fully engage with and apply creatively current specialised scholarship in Film Studies

7. Use appropriately and creatively key techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline of Film Studies

8. Acquire the capability to conduct independent research and develop an evidence- and research-based argument pertaining to Film Studies

Skills Learning Outcomes
9. Actively seek, critically evaluate, and use creatively a range of sources of information and knowledge

10. Critically assess and construct sustained arguments supported by evidence and reasoning to challenge received knowledge and propose new ideas

11. Communicate effectively new information and knowledge in written and oral forms or through digital media

12. Critically reflect on, evaluate, and use creatively digital resources and tools to collect and communicate new information and knowledge

13. Work independently on a large individual project to a deadline

14. Make connections across perspectives and disciplines to propose new ideas and strategies

15. Develop and deploy skills necessary for the exercising of personal responsibility

16. Develop and deploy decision-making skills

17. Evaluate your own achievement and that of others. In addition, you will be able to evaluate and act upon the feedback of others


You will be working towards the subject specific and skills learning outcomes by engaging with a variety of approaches to assessment, which will depend on the language pathway and modules that you take. At Level 3, assessment methods will typically include coursework in English (essays, commentaries, reports) and the target language (short assignments collected in portfolios), oral presentations in English or the target language, exams in the target language that might include elements of English (for example, translation tasks), group projects, the production of podcasts and other digital artefacts. At Level 3, all students will work on one major independent research project. Assessment will be both formative and summative, and will be supported with feedback throughout.


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