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BA Modern Languages and Business (Chinese)(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of Level 2, you will be able to
1. Understand and communicate key events and ideas in the target language (in written and oral forms), and take part in everyday conversations (if you started as a beginner in Level 1)
2. Understand and communicate complex events and ideas, and participate in sustained conversations (if you started from post-A level or equivalent competence in Level 1)
3. Recognise and analyse a range of communicative resources of the target language: vocabulary, grammar, and script (if relevant)
4. Develop an understanding of the social norms and cultural values that frame the societies in which the target language is spoken by critically examining cultural material originating from those societies
5. Widen the knowledge of the history, culture, and society of the countries where the target language is spoken by critically examining cultural and historical material originating from those societies
6. Refine and apply the strategies to analyse and contextualise texts from the target culture conveyed in written and audio-visual formats (books, films, digital media content)
7. Interpret and and explain a business theories and international business practices
8. Design, formulate, and conduct qualitative and quantitative research
9. Critically evaluate how existing scholarship and empirical evidence are employed to support analysis and conclusion
10. Identify and discuss business challenges and evidence- and research-based solutions in their wider economic, societal, and environmental contexts
11. Critically assessthe ethical dimension of international organisations and business activities, including, for example, questions of social and environmental responsibility
12. Appraise how globalisation and cultures influence how organisations and businesses operate
13. Explore the requirements and structures of different business sectors internationally

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Identify, explore, and use effectively a range of sources of information and knowledge
2. Critically assess and construct sustained arguments supported by evidence and reasoning
3. Communicate effectively information and knowledge in written and oral forms or through digital media
4. Evaluate, experiment with, and use effectively a range of digital resources and tools to collect and communicate information and knowledge
5. Explore connections across perspectives and disciplinary boundaries
6. Demonstrate the ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively on team projects
7. Acquire skills necessary for the exercising of personal responsibility
8. Acquire decision-making skills


You will be working towards the subject specific and skills learning outcomes by engaging with a variety of approaches to assessment, which will depend on the programme, language pathway, and modules that you will take. At Level 2, assessment methods will typically include coursework in English (essays, commentaries) and the target language (short assignments collected in portfolios), oral presentations in English or the target language, exams in the target language that might include elements of English (for example, translation tasks), group projects, the production of podcasts and other digital artefacts. Assessment will be both formative and summative and will be supported with feedback.


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