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BA Modern Languages (French and Spanish)(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Non Degree)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Year Abroad, you will be able to
1. Understand and communicate in the target language (in written and oral forms) in authentic communicative contexts
2. Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the vocabulary, grammar and registers of the target language, with sensitivity to regional variation, and apply them in authentic communicative contexts
3. Relate general knowledge of the history, culture, and society of the countries where the target language is used to your lived experience
4. Experience, adapt to, and reflect on the social norms and cultural values that frame the societies where the target language is used
5. Engage with and respond to texts from the target culture conveyed in written and audio-visual formats (books, films, digital media content) in their source context

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Plan for personal, academic, and professional development in a new environment
2. Take responsibility for setting and achieving your personal, academic, and career objectives
3. Identify and act upon opportunities for personal, academic, and professional development as well as challenges to overcome
4. Reflect upon your capabilities and areas for personal, academic, and professional development
5. Collaborate effectively with other people in a new environment
6. Reflect on your communication strategies and adapt them to different audiences


You will be working towards the subject specific and skills learning outcomes by engaging with a variety of approaches to assessment, which will depend on your Year Abroad experience. Assessment methods will typically include coursework and a short interview in the target language that will enable you to reflect on your personal, academic, and professional development (as appropriate) during your Year Abroad.


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