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BA Global Creative Industries(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate coherent and detailed subject knowledge, some of which will be informed by recent research/scholarship relevant to the creative industries.

2. An appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limitations of knowledge in the disciplines relevant to the creative industries.

3. Understand ethical practice in context of the global creative industries.

4. Understand the range of opportunities for career development in the global creative industries and the skills, pathways, and networks needed to take them.

5. Understand a range of research approaches in the global creative industries

Please see the document “Global Creative Industries Subject Benchmark Statements” for how these map to QAA Subject Benchmark Statements.

Skills Learning Outcomes
On completion of the year/programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:

1. Engage critically with key theories, concepts and debates relevant to the creative industries.

2. Evaluate opportunities emerging from global and local differences and similarities across the creative industries.

3. Present comprehensive and sophisticated arguments about the impacts of the creative industries.

4. Undertake research projects in the creative industries.

5. Develop a personal plan for employment in the creative industries, including a commitment to lifelong learning.

6. Evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to problem solving associated with the discipline.

7. Demonstrate professional attributes and skills necessary for success in the creative industries.

8. Communicate intellectual and creative ideas effectively using a variety of media to diverse audiences

9. Autonomously organise, motivate, and work to a deadline.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:

1. Planning documents

2. Critical reflection

3. Posters

4. Video or in-person presentations

5. Research proposals

6. Dissertation


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