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BA Thai Studies(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

Learning outcomes

1.Intermediate Language Proficiency in Thai Studies: You will achieve a solid intermediate level of language proficiency, enabling you to engage in coherent conversations with native speakers, understand moderately complex texts, and demonstrate competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
2.Cultural and Regional Awareness in Thai Studies: Through your year abroad experience, you will develop a basic understanding of cultural norms, regional differences, and societal aspects of daily life in Thailand.
3.Basic Academic Skills in Thai Studies: You will acquire the skills of observing phenomena and reflecting on them critically, through, for example, reflexive logs or projects based on the year abroad.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1.Developing Independence: The year abroad will foster greater independence and adaptability as you navigate daily life, cope with challenges, and make decisions autonomously in a new environment.
2.Cross-Cultural Communication: You will demonstrate proficiency in cross-cultural communication, demonstrating respect and empathy for different worldviews and perspectives, enabling you to connect with and better understand a wide range of cultures and communities.
3.Global Awareness: You will gain a deep understanding of global issues, challenges, and interdependencies, enabling you to critically analyse and engage with pressing global concerns.
4.Improved Study and Time Management Skills: You will enhance your study habits, time management, and organization skills to balance academic commitments and daily life more effectively.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:
- continuous assessment in language and disciplinary modules by the host institution in Thailand;
- assessment of a research report undertaken during the course of the year abroad in Thailand;
- submission of a satisfactory log-book kept during the course of the year abroad.


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