BEng Electronic and Electrical EngineeringSouthwest Jiaotong - Leeds Joint School
Year 2
(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the first year of the programme, students will be able to:• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of some of the basic science, mathematics and engineering principles which underpin the discipline.• Demonstrate the ability to apply scientific, mathematical and engineering principles, and standard analytical techniques and methods, in order to solve well-defined engineering problems and reach substantiated conclusions. • Demonstrate the ability to use technical literature.• Demonstrate the ability to design solutions to well-defined problems and projects.• Demonstrate the ability to apply an integrated approach to the solution of well-defined problems.• Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the ethical and environmental impacts of engineering, recognising how decisions may be informed by professional codes of conduct.• Demonstrate the ability to use a range of practical and laboratory skills in order to solve engineering problems.
Transferable (key) skills
Students will also have had the opportunity to:• Demonstrate the ability to work effectively, exercising personal responsibility.• Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively the results of their own work to specialist and non-specialist audiences.• Demonstrate the ability to manage their own learning, and acquire the transferable skills necessary for employment within the engineering sector.
Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and may include written examinations, in-class and online tests, problem sheets, assignments, and coursework in the form of projects, reports, presentations and posters.As a programme of study accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council, this programme is subject to supplementary rules for progression and award, which are additional to the University’s standard rules. These additional rules include the following criteria: In order to progress to the next level of study, or to be awarded the degree of Bachelors or Masters (including Integrated Masters), students must obtain a minimum mark not less than 10% below the nominal pass mark in every module which contributes to the accredited learning outcomes. For most programmes, this means every module that is included in the programme. Students must also obtain a minimum mark not less than 10% below the nominal pass mark in any significant assessment component within a taught module (a component worth more than 30% of the module marks) in order to pass the module and receive the module credit. This rule applies to all ‘ELEC’ coded modules.Full details about the assessment rules are available in the version of the Code of Practice on Assessment (CoPA) applicable to the year of study.