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BSc Mathematics and Philosophy

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

Philosophy LOs
1) Apply basic skills to critically evaluate and identify different forms of philosophical argument
2) Accurately explain ideas and debates within some of the main areas of the discipline, including epistemology and metaphysics, and ethics and political philosophy
3) Express your own views in the form of simple but coherent philosophical arguments
Maths LOs
4) State some techniques to solve specific mathematical problems.
5) Manipulate simple mathematical models to generate results.
6) Construct a simple mathematical argument.
7) Appreciate the importance of formal mathematical definitions.
8) Recognise and manipulate common mathematical symbols.
9) Write in coherent mathematical sentences.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Express yourself orally and in written form in a clear, concise, focused and structured manner (Academic and Work Ready skill)
2. Gather information from a range of sources, and produce basic interpretations or summaries of information and/or data (Academic and Work Ready skill)
3. Identify when, why and how to appropriately acknowledge someone else’s work and ideas (Academic and Work Ready skill)
4. Learn proactively and develop effective learning strategies (Academic and Work Ready skill)
5. Manage your time, prioritise tasks, organise academic and personal commitments effectively to meet deadlines (Academic and Work Ready Skill)
6. Recognise the value of seeking/accepting feedback to aid identification of your strengths and development needs (Academic and Work Ready skill)
7. Work collaboratively with others (Academic and Work Ready Skill)


As is appropriate to the discipline of Philosophy, and with only a few exceptions, assessment is in the form of a coursework essay. Maths modules are typically in the form of exams but may also include portfolios and project output. There will be a range of unassessed formative exercises, allowing students to make progress with the LOs and skills outside an assessment context. Opportunities for explicit discussion and support will be made available by module leaders in office hours and in routine meetings with academic personal tutors.


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