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BSc Music, Multimedia and Electronics

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

1. Identify and apply knowledge, principles and approaches needed to situate broadly-defined problems in appropriate historical, analytical, critical, practical, global and ethical contexts.
2. Select and apply appropriate concepts, techniques, methodologies and technologies from relevant disciplinary areas, and relate perspectives from theory and practice.
3. Demonstrate a consistent level of creativity and technical proficiency in music technology and electronics.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Independently locate, validate and reference relevant technical and scholarly work
2. Reflect on your own learning, achievement, and personal/professional development
3. Collaborate with others
4. Communicate in ways that are appropriate to the discipline.
5. Recognise the need for quality management systems and continuous improvement in the context of broadly defined problems


We use a variety of assessment methods, each of which is chosen to best measure your achievement of a module’s learning outcomes and associated skills, so you and we can understand and support your progress and development. Depending on the modules you choose, you are likely to encounter a mix of written assignments (e.g. essays, reports, reviews, reflective logs), creative outputs and portfolios (e.g. compositions, technology projects, recordings, assignments), recitals and performances, presentations, project work, and online assessments. Some assignments will be completed individually, some collaboratively, and some may require elements of group working leading to individual submissions.
You might be given a brief, question or problem to be addressed, or you may have scope to determine your own question or approach under the guidance of a member of staff. You’ll be given clear instructions regarding the assessment requirements and criteria, and you’ll receive feedback on your work to support your learning as you progress through your course. Assessments will usually require you to synthesise and evaluate learning from multiple taught sessions and learning resources (e.g. a module’s lectures, seminars, set readings and other resources), and you should think of your course as a whole, and apply your learning across your modules. Creative and practical work may offer you the chance to take risks and experiment with new ideas and concepts, and in all cases we encourage you to challenge yourself, to think critically and creatively, to move as far beyond your comfort zone as you can, and to reflect on your working process and achievement.
Our assessments are designed to be fair and inclusive, to engage you intellectually and to help prepare you for life beyond University through the development of relevant skills, knowledge and experience.


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