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BSc Social Policy, Sociology and Crime

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year/programme, students should have provided evidence of being able to:

1. Demonstrate familiarity with the basic concepts, information, practical competencies and techniques which are standard features of the disciplines;

2. Begin to develop a sense of criticality through engagement with relevant primary texts and the debates around them

3. Present their own/others’ academic arguments both to their peers and teachers using both digital and analogue means.

4. Evaluate different types of data and begin to develop the skills needed to find relevant data when required.

5. Write in academic style commensurate with level. This includes but is not limited to referencing and academic integrity.

Skills Learning Outcomes
The programme will enable you:

- To develop Critical Reading skills

- To develop and employ Referencing skills for a range of sources.

-To develop relevant Information, Data and Media Literacies

-To employ digital tools for learning and development effectively

-To work as part of a team on collaborative exercises

-To work independently and adopt effective learning strategies.

- To understand and develop Academic integrity and apply those principles where appropriate.


1. Demonstrating the knowledge and application of standard concepts, information and techniques relevant to the discipline;

2. Work that covers a restricted area of the disciplines;

3. Demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies especially with regards to critical reading.

4. Assessment types include (but are not limited to) essays and workbooks


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