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BSc Chemistry and Mathematics(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

1. Explain and rationalise the fundamentals of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, and apply these to the solution of a range of theoretical and applied problems.

2. Carry out a range of practical experiments that consolidate skills from level one whilst introducing new techniques and applications.

3. Perform more complex quantitative/qualitative analysis and monitor and measure chemical properties and changes using advanced instrumentation. Record, process and present more complex experimental results.

4. Interpret and follow risk assessments relating to medium risk practical activities, enacting safe working practices and waste disposal.

5. Perform more complex algebraic manipulations and calculations and apply these to chemical problems.6.

Select appropriate statistical tests to analyse numerical data. Demonstrate an appreciation of the role of coding and scripting to analyse large datasets and perform repetitive calculations, including batch processing of data.

7. Exhibit competency with a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems.

8. Recognise the connection between mathematical models and the underlying

9. reality that they seek to represent.

10. Develop a mathematical argument in multiple steps.

11. Understand how a mathematical concept can be represented in different ways.

12. Work with a formalism to express a mathematical concept.

13. Write a coherent mathematical argument.

14. Engage with relevant literature in a systematic and selective way to extract scientific information, to locate primary literature and carry out citation searches, and use the literature as an integral part of scientific communication skills.

15. Navigate and utilise advanced digital information tools in a systematic way to source and collate information and data. Carry out citation searches. Select, summarise and interpret primary literature on a specific topic, citing and referencing the sources used.

16. Develop programming skills in Python to solve computational problems relevant to the Chemistry and Maths.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Act professionally and with integrity. Describe and discuss confidently ethical issues and responsibilities.

2. Collaborate and work successfully in a group environment and with others in a professional manner, contributing positively and flexibly to team outputs.

3. Communicate effectively using written, oral and other presentation methods, selecting appropriate content.

4. Reflect on progress and adapt action plan. Plan and manage their own and group work effectively.

5. Confidently approach unknown problems. Choose between alternative approaches with incomplete information in a lab-based scenario. Evaluate information and formulate arguments, independently and within a team. Critically analyze results and conclusions produced by others.

6. Realise the nature and value of their own and other's intellectual property, and the importance of managing and curating data.

7. Recognise and constructively use career management tools, including CVs, application forms and interview preparation.

8. Identify and set academic goals.

9. Use a range of sources to aid learning.

10. Manage workload and deadlines through prioritisation and productivity skills.

11. Use software and programming languages to solve problems.


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and may include written examinations, in-class and online tests, problem sheets, assignments, and coursework in the form of projects, reports, presentations and posters.

Practical work will be assessed via a combination of students bench notes, data, and write-ups via lab reports or proformas. Full details about the assessment rules will be available.


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